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how do you bring down someone bigger than yourself?

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What you need to realize here is that you're dealing with a typical school yard bully. nothing more, nothing less. he is physically larger than most, which is typical of a bully, and because he's insecure with himself, he feels he needs to bully people to get attention, and to be better than others.


My best suggestion at this point is to go up to him and give him a great, big HUG! :D


OK..just kidding on that part. Ryan gry, you need to be a bigger man than this punk. He's a coward, a bully, and most likely an idiot. Avoid confrontations as much as you can, but not at the expense of your own safety. If he says "Meet me in the alley after school"..don't go there. You don't know what the situation will be, and he could be setting you up to get trounced by his friends. Or worse, he could come with weapons. It's not good to come to a knife fight, and not have a knife ya know. :roll:


This is an idea I suggested for one of my students years ago. My student was having similar problems with the local school bully, so I suggested he ask the bully to come to class one night. I was actually amazed that the bully showed up about a week later, and I paired him with a girl that had been a student of mine for about a year, and I knew could handle him quite well and wouldn't be intimiudated by him. The student that was having the problems with him at school was lined up next to the bully with his partner, and I watched the bully watching him quite a bit.


Long story short, my student didn't have any problems with the bully again from that point on. There was no fight, and I think that the bully realized that he was going to get a severe butt-whompin' if he continued to press the issue...so he dropped it.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

firstly, before all else;


this dik was going to strike you in the back of the head with a rock, to me that sound like its going to cause severe bodily harm...........and that he has no regard for your safety or well being, hes a delinquent and life will catch up with him eventually as society has no place for those type of people.............except gaol.


Just keep your nose clean, this dude is going to become a criminal, (on assault charges or the like from the sounds of it,) dont drop to his level and do something that could haunt you for the rest of your life.


DEFINANTLY DONT agree to meet him in a pre-aranged spot to fight. Me and one of my mates agreed to fight these two punks when we were in school (in syd coincidently,) but when we turned up one of them pulled a knife on us and was waving it pretty violently at my friend, luckily we were able to talk our way out of the situation, (and to this day im still amazed the situation didnt get violent,) but we just gave them what they wanted(mentally) and made them look 'tougher' than us in front of the croud. Still, more chicks were sympathetic towards us than were impressed by those two, so hey, i never really complained, just made sure i NEVER put myself in that situation again.

There are a lot of wannabe street fighters in my school. They think they know everything about a fight , yet they have never been even a little bit trained in any fighting arts. And most of them have never been in a fight .EVER.


I sure would like it if there wasn't any wannabe street fighters in the world.They seem to think that going to the gym and building up their beach muscles will make them the best fighters in the world.

Hehehe, yeah, I know heaps of people from the schools i went to like that, they all fall eventually though, i call it 'self-demise.' Hehehe. The best street fighters i know ARENT cut like a bodybuilder, and get picked at pubs all the time by roid-freeks who think they can bench the world.


Oh, and seeing as this situation has been going on for years, smashing him would not do anything except make him want to come back harder right?


And since when has kicking been dodgy in a fight?



"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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when you punch someone in the nose, they get stunned- their eyes water up and it really hurts. do that twice. also, if you punch someone in the throat (a harder target, start with the nose) they wont be able to breath well for like a day- so that will end the fight right there. other targets may be the knees, ribs, kidneys, groin, weak areas like that... but those first ones i mentioned are really good. *, though, if hes that fat you can out WALK his *, right?

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well if he is as big as your saying, use his weight against him. Watch him close and if he throws a punch try to grab his arm and pull him keep him off balanced any way you can. taking out his legs is another good thing, since he is big his legs will be strong from holding him up, but then again if he cant stand chances are he cant fight (unless he can grapple) but then you are at least able to get away.


"I aint gonna eat, I aint gonna sleep, aint gonna breath till I see what I wanna see and what I wanna see is you goto asleep, in the dirt permanently"

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I would just avoid the fight if at all possible.


But if it is unavoidable, then remember "the bigger they are, the harder they fall."


If he is really big, he is probably slow, and in terrible shape. Tire him out, then put a punch in the solar plexus, followed by a spin kick to the side. He'll fall like an old oak. Fast and hard. You shouldn't need to do anything, but step back. He won't be getting up for awhile.

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Do you have friends? If so tell them about it, and get them to back you up all the time, he may be afraid to take on more that one person. If not get your mates to still back you up, i am sure that you and your mates would be able to take him down. If you fight him at school, no cheap shots ok. But if you fight him where it is just you and him, do anything to win cheap shots anything.


If he is starting you stick up for yourself, yeah i know everyone else on this board says to walk away from fights, but myself i am not one to take "bad comments" from people and not retaliate, i stick up for myself. And i have plenty of friends to back me up so most people who know me wont even dare to have a go at me.


Any way have fun beating up this guy, well that is if you beat him up


Peace out

Dont approach me, I wont approach u.

Dont insult me, I wont insult u.

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This is an idea I suggested for one of my students years ago. My student was having similar problems with the local school bully, so I suggested he ask the bully to come to class one night. I was actually amazed that the bully showed up about a week later, and I paired him with a girl that had been a student of mine for about a year, and I knew could handle him quite well and wouldn't be intimiudated by him. The student that was having the problems with him at school was lined up next to the bully with his partner, and I watched the bully watching him quite a bit.


Long story short, my student didn't have any problems with the bully again from that point on. There was no fight, and I think that the bully realized that he was going to get a severe butt-whompin' if he continued to press the issue...so he dropped it.


This is absolutley the best idea I've heard posted yet on this issue.

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Attack with reverse punches to the nose, make sure there hard, confident strikes and that you aim to hit through the target.


Always string your attacks in combos, and dont stop until he's on the ground or unable to fight, make sure there is no break in you combo, just keep hitting with a flurry of punches, but make sure its controlled and stay cool.


Use both reverse and roundhouse punches, start with the reverse to nose, and follow it straight up with a left and right roundhouse punch.


Remember ur elbows and knees are powerful weapons.


Dont kick, unless its low and only if ur experienced enough.


Fight dirty, kick to groin, punch to groin, jab his eyes (although that can actually blind), punch to neck etc.


If he's fat then dont go for torso cuz he probably


wont feel it.


Dont waste punches, aim for sensitive areas and only when theres and opening.


A good tip; fill you clenched fist with lose change, this will significatley improve punching power.


keep moving.


stay calm and focused.


Exrercise regulary and become fitter and stronger.


If u think he's gonna start a fight then hit first and get the suprise hit in, aim for nose.


When you hit him dont be afraid to shout or growl or whatever, this will improve power and agression, and may make him think twice about hitting back.


Remember to put your whole body into a punch, twist ur waist, hips and shoulders. The power comes from the waist.


Dont let him grab you, becuase he will have a significant weight advantage and u dont want to get bear hugged or taken to the ground.


Never agree to meet him for a fight.


Finally, only fight if its ur last option. However, dont look scared of him and dont cower, this is what fuels bullies.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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Carry around a taser or pepper spray, but you can't do that in school.

Instructor:"You're not gonna be able to see if you don't cut your hair."

"Haha. Too bad."

"A martial artist who has never sparred is like a swimmer who has never entered water."

-Bruce Lee

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