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how do you bring down someone bigger than yourself?

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Having trouble at school, this big fat guy has been wanting to fight me for ages. He approches me with any chance he can Get, I want to hear some suggestions on how i should bring him down ,if he puts me in a situation that i cant walk away from ? Anyone ?

the best way to get hit is to not get hit at all

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hit him first and hit him hard. Don't stop with one strike, combo's are the way to go. Attack and keep attacking. Most bullies rely upon intimidation and aren't really very good fighters in general once the melee begins. If you overwelm him, you'll win. Even if he's bigger and stronger. At the very least, you'll gain his respect and he'll likely leave you alone afterwards. Of course it's always best to walk away and let him think he's superior. He'll run into someone without as much self control eventually and get knocked down a notch or two.

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hit him first and hit him hard. Don't stop with one strike, combo's are the way to go. Attack and keep attacking. Most bullies rely upon intimidation and aren't really very good fighters in general once the melee begins. If you overwelm him, you'll win. Even if he's bigger and stronger. At the very least, you'll gain his respect and he'll likely leave you alone afterwards. Of course it's always best to walk away and let him think he's superior. He'll run into someone without as much self control eventually and get knocked down a notch or two.


Agreed. another thing to keep in mind is keep moving! A larger, and unskilled opponent will try to overwhelm you with his physical superiority and mass (ie: fall on you!), especially if he is taking hits and getting hurt by the,m. Move to the side. Hit and run. Speed is your advantage, so use it. I'm 6'6" tall and weigh around 240lbs, and I can move faster on my feet than most people I've encountered in a street fight, and I've been lucky to be able to use that speed and not taken one single hit because of it. I move a lot, and I don't mean hopping and dancing around. I'm talking just moving side to side...forward and back, as the situation dictates. Movement makes you a harder to catch target, throws your opponent off balance and makes them be more defensive, and less offensive as you "hit and run".

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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attack with lightning fast attacks and NEVER let up. In order to make the bully intimidated by you, you have to intimidate him. Use speed and be more ferocious than ever,


if it comes to a fight that you have no choice of getting away...then let him have it, tear into him with combos and never stop, keep attacking every opening you see, and use your speed to keep moving, dodge and weave, get out of his way and keep attacking....

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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attack with lightning fast attacks and NEVER let up. In order to make the bully intimidated by you, you have to intimidate him. Use speed and be more ferocious than ever,


if it comes to a fight that you have no choice of getting away...then let him have it, tear into him with combos and never stop, keep attacking every opening you see, and use your speed to keep moving, dodge and weave, get out of his way and keep attacking....


I'm not disagreeing with you granmasterchen...however, there are few people, unless they train like constantly like a boxer trains, that can keep up a sustained hard, aggressive attack for more than 30 seconds or so in my experience. Try it yourself sometime on a heavy bag, where you are making full contact. Time yourself and go at it as hard and fast as you can. 30 seconds has most people totally winded and about ready to fall over. Now, take that 30 seconds of attack on your opponent, and say you don't hit anything vital on him, or he covers up well so that you are beating his arms or he's back-peddling and you're missing sometimes. When you're about to fall over from exertion, he's could be all ready to pound on you.


Just try the 30 seconds on a heavy bag, full out, no stopping and make your shots count like they would in a real fight. See what happens.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Keep those tips coming. They seem to be coming in handy.


P.s How do you get your belt higher on this

the best way to get hit is to not get hit at all

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By posting endlessly :)


Just kidding. You get a higher belt by the number of posts. Still it's the quality not the quantity. You'll reach a good belt (like me :D ) after some time in here. POsting stupid things is not the way and the belt is really irrelevant. I've seen here new people with very interesting posts. They don't have a coloured belt because they're new and post only when they feel like having something to say :karate:


Regarding your problem. Is it really necessary to fight? If so, be devastating and ferocious. Hurt him, but don't exagerate. The consequences are sometimes troublesome.

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He wont leave any for me, i am telling you this guy is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the best way to get hit is to not get hit at all

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