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Your Kiai.

Red Triangle student

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The kai sounds I use are:


"AYEEE" for punches


"TAAAE" for kicks


"EEEIAYEEE" for throws


I've played with other sounds for various defenses but these are the standard.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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Ussualy I just knock te opponent out with a well placed punch, and after he regains conciousness I let out a MASSIVE "DIE MUTHER (exploited deleted)!!!!' then hit him again

Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate....

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Not quiet sure how I would spell this... But here's a try.


The only way I could think to spell it "hight". You can't really hear the "t" on the end, but it doesn't sound like the word "high".


Yea...I'm sitting in my living room yelling, trying to figure out how to spell it,...my little brother thinks I'm crazy now...


lol mineis the same, for now, and I am doing the exact same thing, trying to figure out how to spell it by yelling, and i am also trying to mimic other ppls kiais too lol

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One of my pet hates when I am teaching is people that don't kiai properly. I tell the kids/teens that if they are going to kiai do it properly or don't bother to do it at all. I can't stand the various half-hearted grunts and groans that come out of some of them, it wouldn't scare a paranoid dormouse!


Anyway last night I was assistant instructor in the teens' lesson and we were doing 5 step kumite with the lower grades. As per usual there was an uneven number of students so I was asked to step into the breach. I'm doing 5 step with this white belt who is due to grade to 9th kyu in a couple of weeks and right at the end I'm the one that has to retaliate, so I do - with a massive kiai (practice what you preach). Anyway the kid jumps halfway out of his skin and this other new white belt further down the line looks my way, nods and say, "Nice Kiai!" :lol:

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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Does anyone here know the purpose of the Kiai??? I don't think that you even need to make a great noise to do it "properly" I am fairly sure that one of the main purposes is to tense your body up so that, if your opponent counter attacks you are ready to recieve the blow.




I don't think that many people today have a good enough kiai to actually scare a grown man(by scare I mean actually strike real fear into him) if you jump in his face and Kiai then yeah he'll prolly jumo alittle but the kiai itself won't scare him. It's what comes with a Kiai that will do the damage, and strike fear into your opponent. Be it bad breath or a well placed strike ;) One or the other will get him\her for sure.

Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate....

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What do you mean, " people that don't kiai properly"


Children and teens are often very self conscious about their kiai. It will often come from their throat rather than from deep in their stomach (one of the main points of kiai is to tense the stomach muscles). Also you will get the unenthusiatic ones who just kind of give a half-hearted "Ay" at the end of the technique.


A kiai should tense your stomach muscles, psychologically uplift yourself, and also psych out the opponent! No, you won't terrify a grown man with it, but if you are not dealing with a trained martial artists you can bet your bottom dollar that it will unnerve him, or at least distract him enough that you may be able to pop a technique in!

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


Kata, Bunkai, Articles, Reviews, History, Uncovering the Myths, Discussion Forum

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I have thought about Kiai-noises before and how funny they can be. The funniest I ever heard was a kid who literally sounded like a goose honking!


ROFL! We had a guy In our dojo who did that too!

Current: Yellow Belt in GojuRyu. White Belt in Kabudo.

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  • 2 months later...

Man, this site is old. Didn't know anyone from Liverpool or the Triangle would go on it really. Seems it is popular after all.


LOOK AT MY POSTS!! <<< did I really used to gon forums that much! :roll: anyway, I dont mind goin on the odd forum every now and then, an yeah if anyones from the KUGB on this then all me personal details like E-mail addresses an tha are on me profile down there vv (Hint)


Lol, anyway best be trottin off, but before I go, I've neglected my own thread a bit haven't I? Lol so I'll say somethin bou my kiai. Erm, its changed now!! Its sort of just a scream, but I try not to use just my throat but my stomach as well now, so you can really sense the power! Grr, :karate: lol. Anyway Bye.

"To be elated at success, and dissappointed at defeat, is to be the child of Circumstances."

I wish I followed that rule! ^^ I hate Losing!

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