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Your Kiai.

Red Triangle student

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Mine usually sounds like "HAI" or "ICE". Unless I time it improperly when I hit the mat...then it just sounds like a dry heave (don't try telling me that's never happened to you either :roll: ).

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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I think mine is something like a looong "HAI"... Never really pay attention to what it actually sounds like. :)

I'm actually having difficulty yelling anything at all. I'm pretty quiet by nature. Any tips on letting go and making it happen? I get all nervous and end up with something really quiet and lame.

I had the same problem and it took me 3 years of training to get over this "fear". At first I found it easier to let go when everyone in the gym was supposed to kiai, so my voice would get lost in the croud. Later on it started to come out naturally when I was really tired, exhausted from training - when the last thing on my mind were my complexes. Kiai made me forget that my whole body hurt...

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

mines very solid, loud, and stacatto. its like a 'yo' kinda. :lol:

"Karate is an art. It must be regarded as such with its entirety of philosophical thought and development of the mind in harmony with the body. If it isn't thought of this way it is valueless. It is like eating only the bitter skin of the apple while leaving the sweet inner meat untasted. It is this crucial premise that is being overlooked today, and if the tide is not turned, I must predict the demise of the art. "

-Isao Obata

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After two years of training I changed my kiai from DAI to HAT. This was done on the advice of a senior BB who explained that the tongue is the only organ thats conected on one end only and saying hat pushes it to the roof of mouth making it whole. Seems to work.

Regards makiwaraman

We are necessarily imperfect and therefore always in a state of growth,

We can always learn more and therefore perform better.

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My kiai is a rush of breath originating from the diaphragm and traveling up. Do not get too caught up in the pronunciation, the kiai should originate from the belly, not from the throat, or else you are just screaming. As such most kiai's done this way will sound like "HAAAA" or "HOOAAAAAGH", but also they should not be drawn out (as a punch or kick is not drawn out).

of course that is all just my opinion, that is what my kiai sounds like because that's how i was taught. osu

"What if your enemy is three inches in front of you, what do you do then? Curl into a ball? Or do you put your fist through him!?"

"It's the wood that should fear your hand, not the other way around. No wonder you can't do it, you acquiesce to defeat before you even begin!"

-Pei Mei

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After two years of training I changed my kiai from DAI to HAT. This was done on the advice of a senior BB who explained that the tongue is the only organ thats conected on one end only and saying hat pushes it to the roof of mouth making it whole. Seems to work.

Regards makiwaraman

anything starting with an H sound is easier to do as an explosive exhalation. The D sound would definitely "delay" the explosion which is not the intent on the kiai .

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After two years of training I changed my kiai from DAI to HAT. This was done on the advice of a senior BB who explained that the tongue is the only organ thats conected on one end only and saying hat pushes it to the roof of mouth making it whole. Seems to work.

Regards makiwaraman

anything starting with an H sound is easier to do as an explosive exhalation. The D sound would definitely "delay" the explosion which is not the intent on the kiai .

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