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Nooooo! I have missed a brilliant opportunity!

Red Triangle student

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Maybe it's better this way. You'll have to take some decissions like this and it's better to know to chose. Karate is very important. So is your health, relaxantion and family. Tough decissions. Still I bet you've taken the right one. You are a good karateka and I'm sure you'll have other opportunities. Good luck in the future contest :karate:

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This was a double post I have edited it. Someone please delete it

"To be elated at success, and dissappointed at defeat, is to be the child of Circumstances."

I wish I followed that rule! ^^ I hate Losing!

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poor david, you must have been chuffed that frank brennan asked you to go, ahhhh, i wish i was as known as you, you lucky rat!!! lol

Karate is like an explosion, not like paint drying!

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You never know Jiyn, it may happen to you someday.




Keep on training hard and Sensei Brennan might invite you to a tourney or three!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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