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Has anyone choked someone out to the point of passing out? I would like to know i can use this on the street for self defense without having to worry about going to jail for manslaughter/murder. Can you kill someone with these chokes if they just simply pass out?



"Give me back my sandals or i'm keeping your nephew's hamster..."- Bruce Lee

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it's really funny to get your grandpa in a choke when he's sleeping. you havent LIVED untill you choke your sleeping grandpa. it's pretty hellarious to watch his face turn purple. you could also get a heavy duty (i mean REALLY heavy duty) flashlight then shine it 2 inches from his face and when he wakes up, no matter how hard he tries, dont move the flashlight from his face! the darker the room is, the better. he'll eventually roll over onto his stomach, then sit on top of him and start slapping his head like craaazy. it's not abusive at all. just tickle him once you knock him out. he'll wake up and make you some pancakes. blueberry.


i totally agree with you bro. when my grandpa came home from the korean war and walked out of the bus i kicked him in the nuts and he collapsed onto the ground and cracked his skull on the curb. its just FUN! he's family, and family is forever, so no matter how hard i kick his nuts, he's skill my grandpa.

Umm... talking to yourself?!? :o


btw, let me know when i'm supposed to start taking your posts seriously. :roll:

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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I agree. The more techniques you know, the more you can control the escalation of a situation. After all, is it necessary to swat a fly with a cannon?


I also look at it another way. The more tools you have and can use well in your toolbox, the more detail and quality you can put into building your house.


Are those analogies enough? I can give you more! :D


Heh...now I wanna try the fly and the cannon thing. I just pictured this episode from "Night Court" where a member of the CIA was in the courtroom and was shooting a mosquito...I miss that show.


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a q-tip"

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I'd feel much safer choking someone unconscious than punching him. People have just as high a chance (probably higher) of dying from being punched in the head as thye do of being choked. Especially if after being punched they drop and hit their head on the ground.


I know of two people this has happened to in the past 18 months, one of whom was a famous Australian cricketer.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

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Plus it seems like there are always people out there who are just waiting to die for no reason during an otherwise safe technique. If I had a massive blood clot timebomb in my head, I'd rather die at jiu-jitsu practice than driving on the highway with my family or something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

a blood choke can cause a person to pass out in the first 1-3 minutes. after that, it is possible that you are inflicting perminate damage.




make'm cry or get disqualified.

Make'm cry or get disqualified.

The more you sweat in the dojo, the less you bleed on the streets.

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Chokes Rock


If you are attacked on the street and Choke your attacker out, get the heck out of there. You dont want to choke them out and then continue your beating process, thats when your looking at trouble. Do what you have to do to defend yourself and ensure that your going home that night and get out of there.

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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You shouldn't be trying to choke anyone out unless you have been properly trained in the application of a choke hold.


Statistics show that of the accidental deaths involving police officers trying to apprehend a suspect MANY are from inproperly applied choke holds.


In DZR Jujitsu we are required to learn how to recessitate a choked out uke before we we use the choke to actually 'choke them out' in class.


In terms of how long it takes, it would take a person in DZR JJ or BJJ about 10 seconds to put you out.

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