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HEY!!! Why do I have to be the one that's wrong? :D


Because, you roll on the floor and twist things. :D


Wait,... You're not suggesting..., you're saying I might be..., but that's..., you... :evil:

If ican't get a good shot at a more effective target, I can strike general targets as well.like I said, that thought process works both ways. My aim is a large, general target. If I happen to get a knee, that's just icing on the cake.


What I'm saying is that I am more likely to hit a general target when aiming for a specific one than you are the reverse.

you were saying if you don't see openings, do something to create them. that's different. That, you will likely not have time to do in an altercation.


If not, do what you can. It's just an option- maybe it's there, maybe it isn't.

my answer about the boxers was in reply to you saying you can just change the trajectory of the strikie in mid throw:


Boxers and others do this all the time. If an uppercut misses the solar plexus because he moved, the minor changes to the strike to hit the rib cage are automatic. Not as effective asthe original target, but as you said, you wear him down a little.

It looks like we're the voice of the people! :)


Really sad, when you think about it! :roll:

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have you seen how many members there are here?


how many of them post?


and the ones that do, how many actually have anything good to say....?


i wonder how many accounts that kid 'natural practice is the flamesong' set up, just so that he can talk to himself...?


Yeah, those guys usually get found out. I bet more than one computer whizz has checked to see if we're really 'drunkensevenwarlock1'. 8)


:-? Come to think of it, is it possible that I/we are schitzo? :bawling: :o :dodgy: :idea:



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I'd say speed is most important, especially for small guys, speed generates power so if you get enough speed you will develop power.


Yes, and no. Speed is a component of power, but not the only one. Speed without technique or form is just a fast noodle.

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does speed qualify for punching speed? or just foot speed because when punching greater velocity does mean less dodgeability and greater impact force.


All the above, and more. Everything should work together to enhance each individual component as well as the summ effect.

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Man! Just did a quick check around KF, and this seems to be the new hot topic everywhere else!


Do I have bad breath or something? Guess I'll just sit here and talk to myselves.


'drunkensevenwarlock1' :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say power is the most important of the three. Without it, on the street, you'll fall to someone who does have power because huge guys almost always win against the small guys. A lot of martial artists hate to admit it, but strength matters (that's why there are weight classes.) After that, I guess I'd take speed, because accurate or not, whatever, I just want to hurt the guy.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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well, as long as your gonna' whip out weight classes...


the UFC (i can't believe i'm actually gonna' throw out a UFC reference...) has no weight classes. i happened to watch my first UFC tape the other night, and it happened to be tape VIII, the "david and goliath" themed competition. if i recall correctly, the "david"s almost always took the "goliath"s; the first one going down in somewhere around 8 seconds, taking two shots to the chin, where nerves that run from your brain run through and will knock you unconcious if struck there. therefore, i'd pick accuracy. the gracies aren't large people, but from what i hear they seem to be unbeatable. thoughts :-?

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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the "david"s almost always took the "goliath"s; the first one going down in somewhere around 8 seconds, taking two shots to the chin, where nerves that run from your brain run through and will knock you unconcious if struck there. therefore, i'd pick accuracy.


Good point.

the gracies aren't large people, but from what i hear they seem to be unbeatable. thoughts :-?


They're not unbeatable, but they do have an impressive record against larger opponents. However, they are grapplers and so fight primarily in the two phases that White Warlock pointed out that accuracy was less important- takedowns and ground fighting. Was he wrong? (:stirs pot:) :brow:

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