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"One must feel the essence of forces interchanging, a pattern of uniform resistance and cohesion that brings together all manner of life in a continuous stream of energy, which can be channeled and directed to induce immense physical and psychological harm, notwithstanding the interspersal aspects of cogent relations, at least as they pertain to macabre monkey suits."


"The Force be with you" would have sufficed.

Freedom isn't free!

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yea seriously- who talks like that? people sure have some strange ideas when it comes to punching people.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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It takes aprox. 8 pounds of pressure to break a leg, and 4 pounds to break an arm, so power isn't as important to me.


You can be faster than the opponent, but when it comes down to it the well placed shot ends the fight...I'll take accuracy.

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that's a really common cliche about how much force it takes to break an arm and a leg... and i often hear different numbers (usually higher than those.) let me assure you though, in real life, when you have somones arm and youre trying to break it, it can be quite difficult. not just any skinny weak little guy could do it.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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ya i hate to agree with Vito on this one.


those numbers are low, and its generally only able to work against a weak angle on the arm or leg,..... i.e. elbow or knee.


any of these components can be super intense and make up for defenciencies in the others.


super accuracy can make up for a lack of power


super power can make up for a lack of accuracy

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Have either of you ever broke an arm? How 'bout a leg? If so, did you mean it? Probally not. Point is, it happens without power. This is an instructor's worst nightmare. The students are practicing joint locks, one resists and the other applys just a little more pressure to get the desired result...SNAP! And OF COURSE those numbers are talking about breaking a joint, I don't think they were ment for breaking a femur. If you believe that power will take all, then you might as well say that regardless of what style you take or how long you study, If you get into a fight with a bigger guy than yourself you will lose. Right?

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listen bullydog i never stated that, dont put words in my mouth.


your numbers are not entirely correct either, maybe agaisnt a child, but not your average adult.


and yes i have broken arms and legs both intentionally and unintentionally.


I know the amount of force it required for me to do it, and i also know how much a 10 pound weight weights and how much pressure that is and i also know that it requires more then that to break a joint of the average adult

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Nobody's putting words in your mouth, and I'm not saying those are exact numbers either. That's why I used the term aprox. That usually means that it's not exact. And it would make a difference if you were talking about a child or an adult. Now getting to your statement...you have broken bones intentionally and unintentionally. If it were unintentional, it would be safe to assume that you did not use an overly powerful strike to do so, eh?


Also, just to clear things up, a ten pound weight is exactly ten pounds...unless you're measuring feathers. :idea:

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so is that ten pounds of force assuming that there is no resitance from the guys who's arm you're trying to break...?

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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