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Reverse hook kick

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I just tested and got 5th Gup. I need help on the technique of my reverse hook kick. Any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"When the time is right even a mouse can become a tiger"

High Green Belt ITF ATFI Taekwondo

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This the one where you turn backwards and do a hook kick with the foot that was formerly in back and then set the kicking foot down in front? Remember to do everything slow to learn it. When you first start your spin you can step once and position your stationary leg so that the toes point away from your target that will get your body in the right position to kick. After awhile dont take the extra step just spin.

Long Live the Fighters!

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My current instructor claims that I overpivot on this kick. I spin really fast, and sometimes my foot goes a little beyond 90 degrees. He used the word "crazy" to describe my kick. What do you think?

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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With the spinning hook kick I dont think it matters as much if you over pivot as long as you are chambered before 90 degrees and hit whats in front of you. If all else fails remember that a full spin hook is basically doing a half spin and kicking...then setting the kicking leg down behind. This may help to break up the kick so you kick in the right spot. BTW where do you live in MN I am in Minnetonka just outside of MPLS.

Long Live the Fighters!

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I teach this in three steps.


1. front foot steps 4-6 inches to the inside of the body. Almost one foot in front of the other.


2. You can't hit what you don't see...do the full spin and get your eyes on the target.


3. Throw the hook.


Keep doing this and keep speeding it up and you will be taking heads off in no time! :wink:

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ya, don't worry about trying to execute this 200 mph the first time. I'd work on slowing it down and making sure the technique is pretty then gradually increase the speed.

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Spinning hook kicks are difficult to coach without seeing you do it. a few pointers though:


Sometimes when learning it you try and think about it too much, just throw it and let it go!


The position of your standing foot during the kick can really effect your final kicking position try playing your standing leg positioning when you 'land' the kick.


Try leaning back more and also leaning forwards more this can totally transform a kick.


Initiate the spin with your upper body and arms get your head round to spot the target then transfer that energy into the kicking leg. This can be quite obvious to an opponent but can also totally transform the kick.


Try throwing it straight leg all the way round (spinning round house) or throw it our like a reverse side kick then hook it back.


Try before you throw the kick turning your lead leg round so your lead heel is pointing at your target, then pivot your body round n let the kick go.


Try playing with it there are so many variations and angles, no right or wrong way.



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