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A good martial artist will never fight ?

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this is the biggest load of crap ive ever heard. will some administrator move this to the humor/jokes section? everyone looking for a laugh could benifit from smokeys "idea" i think.


hey guys, look into space. how far does it go? we use 20% of our brains or something like that. wow! you philosophical people are too much sometimes.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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i have onces read this occuring from a master named sensei oyama . Guys wanted to Jump Him and he looked into there eyes and They just didnt attempt to attack him anymore . Im not sure if thats true . but what i DO know is that u Can always scare somebody with ur eyes . It is possible ive done it . u show them the aggreation u can give out to them from a look of an eye . Just dont show NO FEAR . and the one now showing the fear is ur opponent

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Martial Arts in the Western World Clearly demonstrated by your comments.


Good luck with your FIGHTING.


If only you knew what was possible, keep on closing that mind.

just thought id bring that back......................

i have onces read this occuring from a master named sensei oyama . Guys wanted to Jump Him and he looked into there eyes and They just didnt attempt to attack him anymore .

Sosai Oyama fought bulls with his bare hands, could knifehand the neck off a beer bottle, and used rocks as makiwaras..............................................he didnt need to look at people funny, once the muggers realised who he was they just bolted. :brow:



Scientific studies have been made on a variety of issues and it has been determined that the vast majority of 'magical/mystical' things presented over the centuries, have been parlour tricks.

maybe science is a way the modern mind can better grasp the conceps of majic or mysticisim.


what was it again..oh yeah,

If only you knew what was possible, keep on closing that mind.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Thanks for your comments.


We use what 20% of our brains ?


That is actually a common misconeption. We use roughly about 10% of our brain at any given time. That doesn't mean that the brain uses only a specific 10% and the 90% remains unused (if it did, it would probably degenerate as the body is horribly efficient that way...). What that means is that during this second I use 10% of my brain. A little later, I'm still using 10% of my brain, but a different 10% (with some necessary overlap for specific vital functions, etc.). Over your lifetime, you've probably used every section of your brain multiple, multiple times. It is referring to the number of active neurons at one time in your cranium, not location...sorry, I just thought it would be interesting if people knew that...

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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That is actually a common misconeption. We use roughly about 10% of our brain at any given time. That doesn't mean that the brain uses only a specific 10% and the 90% remains unused (if it did, it would probably degenerate as the body is horribly efficient that way...). What that means is that during this second I use 10% of my brain. A little later, I'm still using 10% of my brain, but a different 10% (with some necessary overlap for specific vital functions, etc.). Over your lifetime, you've probably used every section of your brain multiple, multiple times. It is referring to the number of active neurons at one time in your cranium, not location...sorry, I just thought it would be interesting if people knew that...


agreed, and about the body being efficient in energy consumption, its the same with any parts of the human nervous system, when coma victims wake-up they have to retrain their bodies to do trivial tasks such as walk again, because the nervous system has retained only the information vital to the survival of the body, and started to 'forget' the impulses/charges that occur during movement.


the human brain is able to be moulded from birth, in the first 0-20weeks a human babies brain creates near all the neural-connections it will need for the rest of its life, from sight, to touch and speech. The more stimulating an environment a newborn has to explore, the more definant and versitile connections its brain will make, although, if the neurons are not kept in use they too die due to lack of energy.


although im still a bit iffy on the whole thing, as the only measurable output is electrical signals, as that all we can measure at the moment (bar heat, but thats not real helpfull,) i mean, who knows whats going on in the realms of human thought? how is the information we think about conveyed through our minds? and where do we draw it from?



"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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