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I have been taking Tae-Kwon-Do since I was eight years old. I am seven years into taking the art, and a second degree black belt. I have gone to several state competitions, and two national competitions. TheTae-Kwon-Do and the tournaments have become to regular to me. My master up and left to somewhere. Poof! Gone. Hasn't returned any calls or anything. His school happened to be the only Tae-Kwon-Do school in no where town. I was really hurt, and didn't want anything to do with martial arts of any type until wondered into a YMCA around my town after about two months. I saw a girl practicing, though not what I was used too, I could easily "overtake" her? I guess, dunno what a good word for that would be. But I got a competitive streak in me, and decided to try it out again. I found out that the form at this school was Tang Soo Do. So far I have done pretty well. The only thing I'm having trouble with is learning how to use my hands and arms more. The forms also look interesting, though somewhat easy from the first few forms that I've seen. I have been taken completely out of sparring, because the insturctor doesn't know the whole olympic style sparring. He is very happy to have me, and is hoping to start teaching his other students.. who are all low-ranks, slow moving, and not very competitive, so I'm having a hardtime trying to keep out my endurence that is needed for a straight two minute sparring match. I am still wanting to compete and advance in Tae-Kwon-Do, but no tournaments seem to be posted on the internet anymore, it seems, and USTU doesn't send notices for tournaments in the area around me.


I doubt that there is really any point in asking this, but does anyone have any tips on where I can find tournament, and get the pre-registertion and info on them? Even more, help keep myself fit for tournaments and sparring, since I cannot have a regular weekly time for sparring matches against pupils?


To anyone that can give help, thanks a bunch!


And to anyone who can help me with my profile, too! Can I change the little thing that says I'm a white belt? If so, how? It's driving me nuts that I can't figure it out.


2nd Dan-Tae-Kwon-Do

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The white belt thing relates to your grade on this forum, not your grade in your style. Once you reach 25 posts, you get promoted to yellow belt. The number of posts for belts is in the faq.

It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, and I am NOT a big man.

Tae Kwon Do (ITF) - 1st Dan Black Belt

Shotokan Karate - 6th Kyu

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You might want to contact a local college that offers TKD. The instructor would probably be able to answer you questions on tournament info.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.

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