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I couldn't agree more. There are alot of instuctors out there that don't teach Bunkai becuase they simply don't really understand Kata. Also, a lot of them teach Oyo and think they are teaching Bunkai, there is a big difference.


"Be like the essense of water"

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Good thread, and an important topic.


If I may be so bold to suggest a text you may wish to procure, I would recommend that you find your way to:


http://www.karatethejapaneseway.com/ and then click on Elmar Schmeisser's excellent new book in the top right corner: Channan: Heart of the Heians. The book has been produced by Usagi Press Japan and it is our great pleasure to have this book available to bunkai-minded karate students and instructors.


I have mentioned this book elsewhere on these forums, as well as the forums at KTJW. Everyone who has picked it up has raved. You can get a little bit of a sense of the book by looking around the site. Of course if you have any questions, feel free to let us know.


Mark G.

Karate The Japanese Way

Usagi Press Japan


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Without bunkai, there is no point to studying a martial art, even for health or self developement, but especially for self defense or fighting.


For self developement, working applications works the mind and body together. Otherwise, all you have is a set of rote drills stored in muscle memory. Who wants to develope themselves into a robot?


In Taiji, they discovered that to study just the form without studying the martial applications gave less than half the health bennifits, and actually could be unhealthy in some ways.


As for combative arts, I would think that needs no explanation as to why the bunkai is a necessary part of your study. You not only need to work it, but you need to work it under as much force as you can safely do.

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oh my goodness! you have no clue how much we do Bunkai. We so much Bunkai that we actually thin about it when we do every Kihon (this is a good thing) and you know the kata bakcwards because of it

shodan - Shotokan

Blue Belt - Jiu-Jitsu

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care the themself without that law is both. For wounded man shall say to his assailant, if I live I will kill you, If I die you are forgiven-- such is the rule of Honor.

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