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i just got promoted to yellow belt 6-1-04


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BritNoob - there's really nothing wrong with being a whitebelt. In fact, colored belts are a relatively recent development in karate. As far as I know, there used to be only white, brown and black, then later green was added. Even today, not all organizations give out lots of rainbow colored belts. So people were and are whitebelts for years. Don't pay too much attention to belt color - just train hard.

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In many Aikido schools there are still only white and black belts. Belts are a recent addition to martial arts. There's no shame in being a white belt!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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It'd be nice not to be the newest student though, I mostly train with greens and blacks.


Consider yourself lucky to have many senior around to train with. It'll bring your level up faster to be the junior student in the class. :karate:


And don't be intimidated. The others were once the newest student, too.

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I wasn't there for my yellow belt test, but my instructor knew I was ready :)

God grant me the sirenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Yellow Belt

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I wasn't there for my yellow belt test, but my instructor knew I was ready :)


luke, do you mean you passed the grading without even being there? :-?

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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I dont know what Luke means, that is a bit confusing actually.


But back on topic, I don't think I have congratulated MatBla yet. So congratualtions on your yellow Belt grading.


May I ask one uestion though, did you become a yellow belt off your first Grading? Triple Graded in other words, because if you did, you are really good. Keep it up!

"To be elated at success, and dissappointed at defeat, is to be the child of Circumstances."

I wish I followed that rule! ^^ I hate Losing!

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