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A co-worker of mine told me a story about his son.


This weekand he was out bowling, and he went outside to have a cigarette. When he came outside, he saw a big guy slapping around some girl. My co-workers son went to confront the guy to try and stop whatever it was that he was doing, and the big guy swung at him. He avoided the hit, and immediately punched him hard in the face, just once and it knocked him out cold. The cops came and arressted the guy and the girl was thankful. The downside, is that when he punched the guy, three of his teeth got imbedded into his knuckles. Later on I guess it developed some kind of infection and spread up his arm. His hand was twice the size (but it wasn't broken), and he had to get anti-biotics and cast his arm up above his head.


The thing is, he's never taken martial arts, he was just some guy did what he thought was right.


I think this is a great story though, because I think it was great that he stepped in to deal with the situation and not walk away and ignore it.

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Good story- thanks. Sorry to hear about his infection. This is actually one of the things we train to avoid. One example, a heal palm strike to the cnin actually strikes the jaw and rotates into place so as to avoid comeing at those teeth straight on. Good illustration of why we need to think about and practice our basics more as well.

Freedom isn't free!


:DGood story! The same thing happened to a friend of mine but with a bad ending. He saw this guy beating up his girlfriend outside a house party, he confronted the guy and ended up knocking him down. The guy pressed charges and my buddy got thrown in jail. Luckily at the time he was still a Juvie. Lesson, always press charges first. :bawling:



Something similar happened to my older brother in high school. Every high school has this couple, though, the one that always fights?


Well, it came to blows one day when he hit her in the abdomen and threw her against a wall. This they seemed to take care of by themselves, and no one did anything about it. Well, a week later they were standing outside of the main doors to the side of the school and not only did he punch her in the face but he threw her head into the glass door.


The pane of glass needed replacing because of the damage, and she needed minor reconstructive surgery. Needless to say in the end they broke up, but when my brother saw this he didn't bother speaking to the man, he just proceeded to fight him. My brother ended up taking the guy's head and putting it into the other glass pane of the door. (At the time he was studying Jiu-Jitsu with me and he already held a blue belt in Rikidokan Judo.)


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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