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Who wants to analyze my dream? it's got katanas in it!


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I'm just at a loss for an explanation. I was on the boards last night before I went to bed, and I was thinking about taking Iaido, so that might have something to do with it... And if this makes you think I'm weird... well... I don't mind that so much.


So, the beginning part is a little bit hazy, I just remember being in an old house, maybe 3 or 4 stories off the ground, and the neighbor girl was over playing with me a little bit (she is six). Eventually the dream wandered, and I was fighting the guy that I am dating with a katana(we both do/have done martial arts, and I made a movie with him a few weeks back where we fought each other, then it ended in a kiss--it was a sequel to a previous martial arts movie i had made with another friend).


For some reason, as we were fighting, every time I hit his sword with mine, it would snag, and a ribbon would come out of the blade. I kept hitting his sword so many times that it made a sort of net, rendering it pretty much useless as a cutting tool. I looked down at my sword, and I realized there was a cap on it, keeping the tip from being pointy and sharp, so I took it off. it just came right off. Somehow, he had gotten a different weapon (i'm not sure what), and I had taken the netted katana from him. I used it as a shield, and I stabbed him in the stomach, about an inch deep.


I turned away for a minute and when I looked back, he was with his friend, and both of them were holding guns. Ben (my guy) was holding his backwards, and they were going to 'duel'. Ben wanted it to look like he had died fighting, since he thought his stomach wound was going to kill him (but he held the gun backwards sicne he didn't really want to shoot his friend). I told them to stop since the stab-wound was so small that we should just go to the hospital to fix it up. So, I guess we went there, since I got them to stop with the duel, but I don't recall any part of the dream taking part in the hospital.


After that, the dream changed settings. Ben, his friend, and I went off somewhere else, and we were outside sitting on benches. I wandered off to talk to a friend of mine, Karen, and over her shoulder I could see Ben talking to this other girl I knew (that he doesn't know), a Norwegian girl named Lena. I couldn't hear them talking, but somehow I was able to relay their conversations to Karen, and I was describing how Ben and Lena used to date and how he was still stuck on her. He hadn't gotten over the relationship yet, although she had, and still hung around her. After that the dream ended.


I know nothing of Ben's past relationships (except for one high schoool girlfriend), so I don't know what to make of the Lena scene. And the katana fight wasn't really to hurt each other. It was more sort of sparring, in that it was mutual combat, and not done out of anger, but still... So if anyone wants to take a stab at this, so to speak, I'm open, cause I am waaay confused.


Although, I remember last night as I was falling asleep I figured out that part of my anxiety towards the relationship is that I'm scared to *need* him, but I'm not sure what else the dream was trying to tell me. Thanks, gang.[/url]

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Wow, I dunno... I think the self-analysis that you're afraid to need him seems pretty good... About all I could elaorate from that is that perhaps you are afraid to need him but you are also afraid to lose him... perhaps you care for him more than you are used to allowing yourself? (I don't know what kind of person you are - I'm very cynical about love so I get into situations like that) Maybe part of you feels that you can't show how much you really care and you're scared that he won't be able to tell and it won't last?


This is hard! Hope that was at least vaguely helpful! :D

Let Us Turn The Jump Rope In Accord With Socialist Principles!

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no no, I think that was good. I think that the cap on my blade might be some sort of fear of really letting go with him? And since once I did, I stabbed him and he thought he would die... well... gee...


I'm usually quick to fall in love, but after a rough relationship that ended about 6 months ago, under bad circumstances, I'm a little bit... wary. I'm trying to do things differently than normal.

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Maybe you had a lil tiff with him earlier that day, or maybe you just really want to fight with blades, and the way your subconcious can do that safely is by having a cap on the sword. The fact you took the cap off the sword may show you don't really like loosing, as when you were, you suddenly made it very dangerous, even though it started as a friendly sparring. Though you wont admit this to yourself, as you were saying to your friend how is was mean as sparring.


This is fun, sorry if I insulted you in anyway, I'm just voicing what my mind can make out of it. I need one of them shinny dream coats.

World famour for idiotography

6th Kyu Wado Ryu

5th Gup Tang Soo Do

1st Dan Origami

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Its fight between him and your Martial arts. You both do martial arts.


So you fight each other using them. Like the relationship is fighting itself, because of the martial arts you both do.


Is holding you back. But its what you want.


So i guess you want both, boyfreind and martial arts. But at the same time you dont trust him.


You are hurting him at the moment, thats why you stabbed him.


His weapon became a sheild. Hes not trying to hurt you but defend himself.


Then you take the sheild to defend yourelf.


Do you guys argue about your martial arts taking up too much time?


I think there is some thruth in what i am saying.




The only other analysis i have is that you have a deep desire to make pornographic martial arts films. :)


Which is more likely me thinks. lol

Seize the day!

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When you made your MA movie with him, were you ever afraid of accidentally hurting him, and how that would affect your relationship? I think that probably set the initial scene for this dream. You guys are fighting together "for fun", which, under the right (or wrong) circumstances, can be pretty dangerous. This doesn't even have to be a metaphor, it can just apply directly to your relationship with Ben. If you want to expand the metaphor, however, you could say that you and Ben have a pretty "fiery" relationship, with the potential to explode. At first you guys are just sparring, a practical exercise that's fun because it's with someone you are fond of. But then, something interesting happens. Every time your swords strike, ribbons come out. Now, you don't see these as pretty, flowing ribbons, and you're not happy that they're there. In fact, you're annoyed that they're getting in the way of what you really want, which is to keep sparring. But then, once you get what you want (thanks to Ben's speedy acquisition of a new sword--which could have been because he knew that's what you wanted, him to have a sword so you can keep fighting), you're a little scared that Ben so readily allowed this to continue. Maybe you're wondering: "Should he be as eager as I am? I thought he would be more resistant. Is this a good thing? Or is he even more eager than I am, when even I thought I was going over the top." (this is pure conjecture on my part) You become defensive and use his net-sword to defend yourself...if he's so eager to fight, he won't mind you having a little extra protection. Now, here's where the "potential for explosion" comes into play. Somewhere in your dream-train-of-thoughts and your fear, you wonder what it would be like to "take the gloves off" and remove the safety tip from your sword. (or maybe this is your competitiveness, using any advantage to win, blind to the fact that you could hurt someone you love.)


Suddenly you're not just playing anymore. It has become very dangerous, but you don't really seem to notice until it's too late, and Ben has been stabbed. Then you turn away. I think that's pretty important. Your boyfriend has been stabbed, and whether it's fear or guilt or whatever, you can't handle it so you turn away. Now, this is not the real-you, it's the dream-you, which is usually everything you've ever feared becoming. It's not prophetic or anything.


So then, Ben is dueling with a FRIEND. Not a stranger or a burglar, but a friend. What is the conflict? This is very different from sparring, because now the intention is to hurt, with no pretenses of training or fun. Ben's friend seems pretty into it, but Ben--even though his life is in danger--does the honorable thing and refuses to hurt his friend. Knowing this, one can now look back at your fight scene with him and say "you were never in danger, you didn't need to hurt him to stay safe." It's a pretty short mental leap to see how this applies to a relationship. You're afraid that if you are too scared of his committment to you, you may try to hurt him before he can hurt you and break your heart. Deep inside though, you know he poses no intentional threat, as proven by this duel with his friend.


You care too much about Ben to see him die--which he would rather do than hurt a friend--so you urge him to a hospital. You probably don't recall a hospital because that would represent things getting better, your relationship healing, mistakes being forgiven. The next scene doesn't seem to suggest that. Ben is emotionally hurt that you stabbed him, so he runs to this Lena girl and starts chatting her up. Whether he is seriously thinking about her because he's confused about where he stands with you, or if he's just trying to hurt you back, I'm not sure. But, the fact that Lena is a friend of yours makes it a double-whammy. There's no possibility of a relationship because she's over him, but the fact that he's flirting hurts you. I think this also has another part to it: Ben is not just some new facet of your life, who only associates with other new people you've met: he blends into the life you had before you had him, and affects everything in your life, basically. It's a scary thing to think about, because it just puts him that much closer to you. As your relationship continues, it will be more and more difficult to keep him "seperate", and you probably don't want to, or you'll alienate him and he'll run to Lena.


Well, those are my thoughts on it.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Excellent post Mokey Girl, but i think the sword turning into a sheild is vital here.


And she takes the sheild from him.


Think about it.

Seize the day!

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Man, I wish I could remember my dreams like that!!


I can't give any analysis, but it sure was entertaining to read in a weird, David Lynch kinda way!


Sometimes the best dreams are the most fantastic ones! :D


Dahn Boh Nim - Black-Brown Belt

Kuk Sool Won

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow." - James Dean

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That was some pretty awesome analysis. It gave me some stuff to think about. Thanks, guys.


sigh... now to figure my life out...

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