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hi i went to the prestatyon competition and got beat in kata in my 4th round,he was a brown and double white and im a red belt,i was better but the judges were welsh and so was he and they gave him full marks!!!Its sooooo unfair!!!

Karate is like an explosion, not like paint drying!

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Its soo biased,my mate RTS was clearly better than some lad there,but he won the round because his mum and dad where the judges!

Karate is like an explosion, not like paint drying!

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I'm not trying to be mean, but maybe your own biases are clouding the issue...


I.E. is it really so inconcievable that a junior did a form better than you and that it just has to be the Welsh sticking up for each other?

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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LOL, I'm Welsh and I know what we're like!! heh heh, stick together...


just kidding.


Well done Jiyn for getting to the 4th round in the comp, especially as it was your first comp I think? Correct me if I'm wrong. What kata did you do?

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Yeah, I'm not trying to be an a**, but most of the kids who lose in kata or kumite blame the judges first and foremost. The thing to remember is that karate tournaments are never objective, and if you don't win not to take it personal and don't blame others for your loss.

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I'm not trying to be mean, but maybe your own biases are clouding the issue...


I.E. is it really so inconcievable that a junior did a form better than you and that it just has to be the Welsh sticking up for each other?


I'll 2nd tommarker's comments. I've been a judge/referree at tournaments for over 20 years now, and I've seen numerous lower belts beat upper belts in both sparring and kata competitions. I even saw a white belt student that had been in class for only 3 WEEKS, beat yellow, blue and green belts in sparring (she got 2nd place), and a 3rd place in kata. Admittedly, she was one of my students and an exception to the rule (no, she didn't have prior experience)..and no, I was not one of her judges.


At a judo competition I was helping out at years ago, a white belt beat all comers, including several brown and black belts, and was awarded the tournament grand champion trophy. His technique wasn't that good, but through raw guts, willpower and muscle, he overcame the higher ranked judaka's good technique and attempts to best him.


Hey...it happens!

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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While definitely considering that one's capability is a major factor, I was informed by a Master that the international stage is quite biased when it comes to the Japanese. Something regarding the dscipline needed in their training and them considering the North American training is subpar by their comparison.


Now I'm acutely aware that one's own perceptions and biases influence their opinion, and I have not yet seen this for myself, but I will definitely look for this if I ever get the opportunity to check out an international event.


Has anyone ever noticed something like this?


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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the kata i had to do was heian shodan.I was clearly better when we watched it on the camera afterwards.

Karate is like an explosion, not like paint drying!

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HELLO? JIYN! It was I who took you to that competition and you have left me out!


Well now i will proceed to tell everyone about what happened to me! I won four rounds of kata! I then proceeded to the fifth round, if i would have won that i would have been in the semi finals. But no i got the worst luck in the damn world! I come up against a big lad whose MUM AND DAD WERE JUDGES JUDGING HIM! The injustice of this made me want to murder somebody! They said that they can be referees if they are not biased, but like Jiyn says the competition was nothing but Biased. I was clearly better doing the kata Heian Needan and i should have won. But he got the vote!


In kumite that was a whole different story you couyld say he won fair and square but it wasnt actually fair on me! I got told that the categories were going to be 5ft to 5ft 5 and below 5ft for juniors. Now i was expecting to go up against people who were around the same size as me since i am 5ft 3 well anyway when i got there i discovered that the categories were to my horrid displeasure 5ft 3 and over and under 5ft 3 so as you can imagine i got placed in the over 5ft 3s and then i vcome up against a 6ft tall as big as a baby killer whale steam engine! Imagine that the smallest against the biggest! Theoir was people who were bigger than me in the next categorie down! Well as you can imagine i got rail roaded off of the mat and they give him a point for that! Then i attempted a miageri so that hje could run onto it, but it didnt work my leg merely crumbled under his weight whilst he was running at me sending me backwards! They gave him another point then i waa beat!!


The competition was biased and i hated it!!!

"To be elated at success, and dissappointed at defeat, is to be the child of Circumstances."

I wish I followed that rule! ^^ I hate Losing!

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