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Effective street combinations?

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The advice that I have been given for multiple combant situtations is:


1. Check your escape route, keep it in mind, all of your actions should be moving you towards it.


2. Aggresively attack the ring leader, attempting to neutralise them as quickly as possible.


3. Now importantly while you are taking the first guy down, move his body so that he acts a shield between you and the other attackers.


4. Once the leader is taken out, go for the exit if you can, if not take out the second in charge in the same manner as the leader.


5. Work down the line while you are still standing. With luck and skill the "weaker" ones will flee once you have taken out a couple.


I found in class that moving the first attacker in front of the second attack really reduces their ability to attack. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it is fun and works.

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it depends on the situation(like others say) if it's like a gang of people and youre alone, just run for it. if you are with your friends and theyl fight with you, then fight the people off, but do not let them take you down or you take them down to the ground. It can get brutal on the ground(people kick you on the head/ribs).


if you fight someone 1 on 1 then just use punches/elbows, if he tries to take you down, jump back, then grab him by the head and knee him in the head. IF you feel like hes not going to be able to fight cause you hurt him bad from the knee/elbow/punches then just stop. Remember, don't throw more punches/knees/elbows than you need to, once you feel like hes out or hes not going to try to trade with you, dont keep punching him. If he tries to press charges and you only traded with him until he dropped to the ground or he did not want to continue it is self defense. If after you dropped him you start stomping him on the face and stuff then youre in deep trouble.


i wouldnt recommend kicking in a street fight cause you can get taken down from them, plus if youre wearing pants the kicks wont be as effective (unless you use a push kick or something like that).


if weapons are used, my best advice is to run, but if you have been taught those weapon disarming techniques you can do that at your own risk.


remember, you're responsible for your actions. Act in Self Defense wisely!

"never mistake kidness for weakness"

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I lived in an area where gang activity was around, I would get me some pepper spray. When they come up to you, spray the whole group and take your sweet time laying some whoop * on the punks. Oh yeah, the run!!! :D

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I like throwing a flurry of punches, mostly at the head/neck area, until they go down. If you get a chance to push-kick them (only when it's safe- kicks are dangerous to throw) or break something, that's good too. Still, nothing's as easy to hit as the nose; and one of those with another good punch gives you enough time to get away or severly damage your enemy.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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break legs


gouge eyes


and use kicks to keep opponent away from me and to knock them on the ground so i can start stomping them in the face


not stand in one place


not talk a whole lot of * in the beginning of the fight

Edited by kuntoafighter2003
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not talk a whole * in the beginning of the fight


hahahaha! aw man, thankyou. i am so tired of these * guys talking, puttin their arms out wide, yet each is too afraid to do anything and they walk away like theyre tough. anyway...

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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Okay... The talking * thing.. I really hate when people do that.


But if some one is stupid enough to lash a verbal threat, then swing there arms to the side talking more *, you go in this order.


Nose, solor plexus, groin.


For the group that thinks there big and bad. . . I was reading somewhere, and it is quite true.


Gangs go in an order. The leader strikes then another guy strikes.


Also it is often the case you drop the leader and he is not moving or he is screaming in pain, the gang wants it to be over so they will either run, Let you leave, or black out in which case, they act like chickens with there heads cut off! Which can be very good for a martial artist.


Now as for the take down on the big guy. If you feel it is life or death, you can.


When he throws a punch, sidestep to the outside throw your arm over his and around his neck. Done right one leg will be behind him and if you spin a circule your momentum should throw him in the dirt, as you spin bring your leg closest to his head up and stomp.


That guy will more then likely be dead. ( Worst case scenerio )


Um.. To get out alive.


If you can. make them curcle to your exit, as having the big guy in front of your way out. When he steps with his punch side kick the front of his knee. he will go forward when he dose, charge forward through him bringing your palm into his nose and run to the exit and escape. They will be to busy checking there leader to chase you.




If the leader throws a hook, step in take his wrist and as you step in also pull your arm up pushing into his shoulder, and spin. The momentum gained from his punch and your spin will send him into his friends. And you can run why they are getting up.


But if you see it coming, and you are able to evade it. I.E they follow you watching you and make you uneasy dunk into a store wait about five minutes if they are still waiting at the end of a block or something call the cops.


If that was difficult to read, I am trying to talk to a friend of mine while typing this I will retype it later if you wish.


We are all put on this earth by God, Respect one another - Mayo

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  • 1 month later...

I found in class that moving the first attacker in front of the second attack really reduces their ability to attack. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it is fun and works.


And this is one of the things we learn in Kenpo [generally known for dealing with multiple attackers]. The biggest rule we learn is to NOT get yourself stuck between two or more attackers. You can NOT win if you try to fight two people at once. Get out of there as quickly as possible.


If you are stuck between two attackers, you can hit them both at once, but use that opportunity to slide around one of the attackers, and keep him as a shield. This gives you a chance to beat on his head/kidneys while the other attacker tries to reach you through his buddy, and you can also use your shield as a distraction [shove him towards the attacker and follow him in to attack].


Of course, this is just the stuff I've learned in the last few months. We do some multi-attacker sparring to get used to this. It's not as easy as it sounds keeping yourself from getting stuck between two attackers, even in a limited area such as a sparring ring. :)



- "Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently." Benjamin Franklin

-"If you always do what you've always done you'll always be what you've always been." Dale Carnegie

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The biggest question before answering:


How many street fights have you seen and more importantly, been IN?


Has anyone been in the Ghettos (we call em "Projects"-(short name for Housing Projects), hard streets Mexico, other such places, etc.?

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  • 4 weeks later...



anything can happen in a street fight...when surrounded by 3 or more.


if there is only one person you can see what he is doing and have a better focus.


but when there are many you may be knocking one out while the other is taking out a knife or any thing that can be used as a weapon.


usually if there are many, go for a kick to the groin area. strike an eye poke to the eyes. try moving and throwing your attacker to the other one. tie em up. and break some wrists or arms. if you want to get dirty.... strike with a kick to the legs usually in the knees or thighs to weaken him. also in the shin and ankles. try not to kick so much high up only where it is necessery. you could lose your balance...


"there is no such thing as nice fighting...because it may cause you your life"---Bruce lee

Even the most powerful human being has a limited sphere of strength. Draw him outside of that sphere and into your own, and his strength will dissipate.

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