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There is no need for you to. I'm just wondering why you are passing up on one-million dollars USD.

Perhaps the same reason you are passing on the $1 mill offered by a Christian group to anyone that can prove evolution.


That is *, the Randi foundation has a legal obligation to award the money if their test is passed. Tests are agreed upon and designed by both the claimant and Randi. Christian groups make up a set of unfalsifiable claims and tell people to prove them wrong. There is the big difference. Simply put, if you have a claim and Randi calls it paranormal, then all you have to do is show evidence to support your claim and you win the money.


Ki/Chi practitioners that know of the challenge and refuse to take it are either cowards or charlatans. That's my opinion.

Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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When you actually prove to science that Ki exists, then you can talk from an authoritative position.


I am talking from a more authoritative position than you on the subject as I went to study Ki Aikido and looked at what was being taught and how. (With that open, not gulible mind)

Until then, I'll assume that you are simply talking out of your *.


Very poor arguement when you revert to insults really isn't it. :(

Cowards walk away from challenges, especially those that only challenge their beliefs.


I know, and I have challenged you to go and watch, or even take part in a Ki Aikido lesson.


Let me know when you have. :D

That's my opinion.


I think we are back where I first entered this thread.

If somebody doesn't believe that Ki exists, so what. That's their opinion. It's just as valid as mine.

Fourth Dan Instructor & Student

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I am talking from a more authoritative position than you on the subject as I went to study Ki Aikido and looked at what was being taught and how. (With that open, not gulible mind)


You only have authority on what you think Ki is, what it can do and the like. You don't have any authority to determine if Ki is real or not. That is the domain of science.

I know, and I have challenged you to go and watch, or even take part in a Ki Aikido lesson.


Why waste time watching magic tricks when I know they are tricks? You are simply trying to distract me with this rhetoric. The reality is that you have lots to gain and give to the world by simply showing the JREF that Ki is real. Science would be able to inform people that it is real, and you wouldn't have people like me doubting your claims. There would be many more people training because there would be no doubt that Ki has some positive effect.


You have an opinion that Ki is real, and that's all you have. You have no evidence to support your unsubstantial claim.

Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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You only have authority on what you think Ki is, what it can do and the like.


Well that's true, but aren't many things this way also. You only know what you know about your art by what you have seen and what you have been told haven't you?

Why waste time watching magic tricks when I know they are tricks?


How do you know they are tricks if you haven't been bothered to see them?


Scientists tell us it should be impossible for the bee to fly, yet it does. Does that make the bee wrong to fly?

You are simply trying to distract me with this rhetoric.


Not true, I am asking you to take a look first hand to see if your oinion still holds. How do you know if you don't even look?

You have an opinion that Ki is real, and that's all you have.



You have no evidence to support your unsubstantial claim.


I have what I have seen and what I have been able to do.


You put up a good arguement, even though I think we will never agree. :P

Fourth Dan Instructor & Student

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Well that's true, but aren't many things this way also. You only know what you know about your art by what you have seen and what you have been told haven't you?


Evidence also plays a factor, but evidence doesn't seem to bother you.

How do you know they are tricks if you haven't been bothered to see them?


Well, if it's a warm-fuzzy feeling that is accomplished by this stuff, then there isn't much to see at all.

Scientists tell us it should be impossible for the bee to fly, yet it does. Does that make the bee wrong to fly?


This is an urban legend. Scientists know how bees fly, and they never said is was impossible for bees to fly as well.

Not true, I am asking you to take a look first hand to see if your oinion still holds. How do you know if you don't even look?


Psychics, mediums, Christians, Muslims, Ki-practitioners and all kinds of other people say the same things. They want me to try their cult practices myself. Sorry, but there is no need to when I already know that there is no scientific evidence to support your claims. You have a belief, that's all. I have no need for such beliefs.

I have what I have seen and what I have been able to do.


Which is nothing more than what I can do. I am healthy, I have confidence and I have a sense of well-being, and I don't train with Ki.

Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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Well, if it's a warm-fuzzy feeling that is accomplished by this stuff, then there isn't much to see at all.


This is where you show your complete lack of knowledge about the subject.


It's nothing to do with a warm fuzzy feeling. It is things that are practised on the mat that you would easily be able to see.


You say you don't need to see 'tricks' as you know that's all they are.


Why, whenever I suggest you go take a look, do you just dismiss it saying you have no need?


Are you frightened to be shown that your 'beliefs' may be wrong?


What happened to that open mind?


Your comment above shows you don't know much about Ki.



:lol: You are way off line here.


I would like to know how you can make this out to be a cult.

I don't train with Ki.


Well I think you do, no matter how much you don't seem to want to.

Fourth Dan Instructor & Student

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thaiboxerken thinks only science can prove anything. Science can only make determinations from the information that it has already "proven" to itself. According to science, physics in particular, any movement at all is impossible.


I also happen to believe that science with a closed mind is not science at all. If we all went around thinking things this way then nothing new would ever be discovered.


Some people like to camouflage a closed mind as a logical, scientific mind. However, it's mostly these individuals simply fooling themselves.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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I am really starting to believe that TBK is posting here just to up his post count. Most of his posts are of the 'cut & paste' variety stating the same old stance. Moreover, on an topic he knows little or nothing about and refuses to discuss in a logical manner.

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It is things that are practised on the mat that you would easily be able to see.


Such as?

Why, whenever I suggest you go take a look, do you just dismiss it saying you have no need?


The same reason I don't take the advice of the Mormons that come to my front door and check out their church.

Are you frightened to be shown that your 'beliefs' may be wrong?


Not at all, I simply have better things to do with my time. However, if you had a million dollars there, I might find a way to challenge my beliefs.

What happened to that open mind?


You should talk. You seem to refuse to even entertain the notion that Ki is not real. You refuse it so much that you turn your back on a challenge that could help prove to the world that it is real while making you a millionaire.

Your comment above shows you don't know much about Ki.


Your belief in Ki shows me that you don't know much about ki.



You are way off line here.


I would like to know how you can make this out to be a cult.


It's a cult like mentality, you are told to believe something. They convince you to believe it. Now you are unable to deal with challenges to that belief and unwilling to place that belief to the test.



Well I think you do, no matter how much you don't seem to want to.


Well then, what's the point in training Ki Aikido?

Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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