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Competition coming up...


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Hello All,


This weekend I will be in a competition with other practitioners of Shotokan. I will be competing in four events: Individual Kata and Kumite, and Team Kata & Kumite. I am a 7th Kyu so the Kumite is not free, it is ippon.


Does anyone have any suggestions, pointers, etc?


Thanks in advance! :)


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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This weekend I will be in a competition with other practitioners of Shotokan. I will be competing in four events: Individual Kata and Kumite, and Team Kata & Kumite. I am a 7th Kyu so the Kumite is not free, it is ippon.


I am confused by your last statement. Are you saying your kumite is not free sparring?? An ippon is a point correct? I'm not sure of Shotokon rules but in Kyokushin an Ippon is awarded if you land a clean hit that visibly hurts your opponent and keeps them from fighting for at least 3 seconds. One ippon is a win.


As for advice. The only thing I can say is to have fun formost. The second point is try and stay calm and fight a smart fight. Practice your combos a lot, try to get them innate. Any last minute tactics that people give you now, you can think about but when it comes down to the fight you probably will not apply them just yet. You will be fighting on instinct.


Good luck!!! Let us know how to you do!


How's the martial arts community on the east coast by the way?

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I may have spelled it incorrectly. It is not free sparring, it is set. Judan punch, chudan punch, migari kick, and side thrust. After each attack the opponent blocks and counters with a kiai.


Thank you for your thoughts, Dijita.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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There are a few different types of kumite in Shotokan.


Gohon Kumite(Kihon) - five step sparring


Ippon Kumite(Kihon) - one step sparring


Jiyuu Ippon Kumite - Semi free one step sparring


Jiyuu Kumite - Free sparring


Shobu Ippon Kumite - Tournamant one point sparring




Good luck Cathal just remember good clean basics in kumite are the key to success. And in Kata timming and effort is essential to impress.

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Thank you Pyran. I had been a little confused on that spelling.


Sorry about your last question Dijita, I missed it. The MA scene on the East Coast, for me, is great. All we need is some advertising and we'll get more popular, but right now I'm pleased with the instructor/student ratio; 4/8.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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Hehe! I've got a compo this weekend too. I even got my own kata designed to boot.


Good luck at your tourney. :wink:

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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I may have spelled it incorrectly. It is not free sparring, it is set. Judan punch, chudan punch, migari kick, and side thrust. After each attack the opponent blocks and counters with a kiai.

Now that's something I've never seen in our federation. At tourneys Kumite is free, you fight from white belt if you feel capable. Ippon Kumite is done ONLY in dojo, to learn techniques and the only time you are tested on it is when grading for 5th kyu and above, afterwards you do Jyu Kumite as well.


I don't want to offend, but I don't see the use for a competition in this matter. You either fight or do forms (katas). Ippon kumite seems irrelevant to me. Keep us posted.


Anyway my advice, look determined. In kihon kumite (gohon, sanbon and ippon) you must look as if you are about to tear apart your oponent. Take care of the stances. In kihon, the technique must be perfect, no raisen heels or bent rear knee in zenkutsu dachi. The kiai must be loud and the techniques convincing.


We keep our fingers crossed :karate:

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You know what, you're probably correct. I've never been to a competition before so I can't definitively tell you. I'll definitely let you know how it goes!


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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In tournaments we actually have :


Gohon Kumite(Kihon) - five step sparring for 10-8Kyu


Ippon Kumite(Kihon) - one step sparring for 7th-5th kyu


Jiyuu Ippon Kumite - Semi free one step sparring 4-3rd kyu


Jiyuu Kumite - Free sparring 2nd kyu onwards


Shobu Ippon Kumite - Tournamant one point sparring 2nd kyu onwards


This is to allow the lower belts to compete safely with what they have been training in the Dojo. Or atleast that is how it was at my last tournament 14 years ago.



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Yes, I just confirmed with my Sensei that it isn't Jiyuu.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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