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College Karate Club Recruitment

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I have recently taken a chair position at my college karate club. As part of our requirements for this year, the e-board of the club must find 40 new white belts for next semester. Does anyone have any publicity ideas or requitment ideas that would help with this situation? Thanks everyone.

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Lots of posters around town, special discounts and promotions, 'bring along a friend' deals for current members, adverts in local newspapers, see if you can join forces with other sprts clubs to co-recruit for members (eg with a gym).


BTW, why do you 'have' to recruit 40 new white belts? Are they gonna sack you if you don't? That seems a bit harsh.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Offer free self defense seminars that have a theme and are directed at a certain demographic. ie rape prevention seminar target young twenty year-old women.

Kisshu fushin oni te hotoke kokoro

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I was elected club president/captain of a large university taekwondo club 3 years ago. Between me and the rest or of the committee we really nailed the recruitment.


We intercepted every single student that registered for the university in the first week 40,000+ and made sure every single one was handed a flyer. We also focussed on recruiting females, knowing that if the club was full of girls the men will follow. :o


Between handing out flyers we put up loads of posters with a single picture of somthing cool (charlies angles, buffy vampire slaugher, people doing big kicks, etc) and a note advertising a demonstration and first free lessons.


The other cool thing we did was dress up in animal suits with our training suits on top and ran around the university campus giving out flyers and doing sparring and demonstrations.


This got everyone talking and showed the club and it's light hearted nature. We managed to recruit over 500 students that year, making the club the universities second largest sports club!!!


I know this sounds like we created a McDojo but considering all the students were aged between 20-25 the result is a larger club with a very high standard.



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I've been involved with a college club for awhile, and I have to say that 40 people in a semester is an almost unreasonable number.


For me, the magic number is about 20 in a class. Anymore than that, and you really start have to delegating teaching responsibility, or people get lost in the ranks, get bored and leave.


Our club's goal is to recruit three people per (9 week long) quarter. This is just enough to keep a constant flow of people and to keep the senior ranks well distributed.


Bretty, what school are/were you at? Here at Ohio State (50,000 undergrad students), there is no martial arts club (20 total) that is even close to 100 active members. In fact, with the average class size of 25-30, we're probably one of the bigger clubs on campus.

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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