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everything wrong


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Have you ever had one of those weeks in MA where you feel like everything you're doing is wrong and that you're a total klutz?


Well, it was my turn for the 'incompetent week' this week.


I goofed up in a demonstration with Sensei, so much so that my instructor ended up accidentally giving me a black eye (it was an accident by him and it was all my own fault).


Also, we've been working on Heian kata a lot this week and when my instructor said to do Heian Yondan, I'd say "Heian Yondan", bow and then proceed to start of with Heian Godan...


The worst part of it was I did that not just once but THREE times!!


Plus, everything I've done this week has just felt wrong or wierd or awkward, even something as 'simple' as Oi-Tsuki drills.


It's a wonder Sensei hasn't asked me to take off my blackbelt and go put on a white belt this week. :P




And to round off my idiot week I ended up tripping over my trousers as I left the dojo tonight. Sheesh, and I've still got tomorrow nights training to go too. Knowing my luck I'll probably knock myself out bowing to my partner or something idiotic like that. :roll:


Ah well, next week will be totally different. It will be someone else's turn to have 'klutz week' next week. (it could be you!! :brow: )


There wasn't a lot of point to that ramble, but I just thought I'd share my naff MA week with you all.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Have you ever had one of those weeks in MA where you feel like everything you're doing is wrong and that you're a total klutz?


Well, it was my turn for the 'incompetent week' this week.


I goofed up in a demonstration with Sensei, so much so that my instructor ended up accidentally giving me a black eye (it was an accident by him and it was all my own fault)..


Does that idiot realize the money you pour into the karate institute is on his pay check. The instructors at the karate school near my place can't lay a finger on a student in that particular manner without losing their job.

If your enemy refuses to be humbled......you must destroy him.

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Have you ever had one of those weeks in MA where you feel like everything you're doing is wrong and that you're a total klutz?


Yep. Had my share of those, and worse- my mistakes are in English, so everyone knows I screwed up! But you are right, next week will be someone elses turn.


Personally, I'm dreading getting back into full workouts for this reason. I'm supposed to go to S. Cal. in a couple of months, and will work out with some folks I know while there. Could be really pitiful if things don't improve soon.

Freedom isn't free!

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G Money Slick, accidents happen. It's a rough hobby, and you gotta 'spect a few bumps n bruises form time to time. Heck, most of the schools I've worked out with, you're gonna get smacked- intentionally!I guess I just don't understand the hands off mentality in some martial arts schools.

Freedom isn't free!

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G Money,


In retrospect, isn't the term idiot a little strong to describe a situation you didn't witness and a person you don't know?


And if you admit it was a mistake... do we get to call you an idiot?

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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Yeah G, that's harsh the original poster didn't have a problem with it, so why do you?


Bigbird.... I always feel like a klutz, but maybe it's because I'm only 10th kyu :P But I imagine everyone goes through a period where they feel off. Get lot's of rest, because more than likely your mind is tired.



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I think in just about anything there is times like that when you feel like a klutz. I know I do from time to time in anything I do........sometimes EVERYTHING I do. But they pass.


G money......... Martial arts is basically violence. I know that they teach to avoid it at all costs but it happens from time to time. So naturally when you're getting trained for it you're going to get some hits. I wouldn't care if my sensei hit me.....all it could do it help. They should have that right.

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Do you beleive in Murphy's Law


"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong"


You just had a Murphy week.

The strongest principle in human growth lies in human choice (Alexander Chase).

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It it's any sort of comfort ... we've been through this before and unfortunatelly it would happen any time in the future. Sometimes things are not so great, so we must learn to live with it. I've had an awful week too, and maybe in the future this kind of unpleasant thing would happen again.


So just don't overreact, be confident and realise we're not perfect. :D


Good luck next week :karate:

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