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what is the best style for street fighting

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Ok hyperthetical question.


Take one person clone them. Train one in TKD for a year full time and the other clone in MT for a year full time. Remove all outside influence. Remember its hyperthetical.


Question is, if they were to then fight for real who would your money be on?


Im with the MT guy. Asking to show that systems are different and that therefore they will make a difference.

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muay thais training is way more aggressive then tkd , since kickboxing has more variety, involving, elbows, knees, kicks, punches and grappling, tkd only kicks so muay thai would win hands down, remember traditional tkd doesnt even use hands for anything, not even defence which in my opinion is foolishness

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I think "traditional" (I use parenthesis because the style is less than 100 years old) does include punches. Remember, it's an offshoot of tang soo do, which has punches and throws, in addition to kicks.


Tae Kyon IS a traditional korean style, and uses no punching.

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Remember guys, we want to stay away from any "which is best" arguments about styles, etc. Please try to compare and contrast in a respectful manner. :)

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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Muay Thai. By a BIG margin. I really like the positive attitude that TKD circles have these days, but thier training sucks.


You try saying that in my gym and you'll end up getting a rather nasty workout TKD style that will leave you having to wring your clothes out.

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I think Ironberg that was his point. Its more like a work out. Come to my MT gym and you will get a nasty workout that will leave you feeling bruised and battered for days. oh and yeah ..as a side effect you will sweat alot but you might have a heart attack as well.


I have a freind that does TKD and a while ago took him on the pads and gave him a Thai style work out.


One Round


QuiKohnCain will know what i mean.

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Muay Thai. By a BIG margin. I really like the positive attitude that TKD circles have these days, but thier training sucks.


You try saying that in my gym and you'll end up getting a rather nasty workout TKD style that will leave you having to wring your clothes out.


Really? Because my personal opinion of TKD is that it's great... If you train in Korea. Most of the western dojos seem to be pretty soft. Believe it or not I'm not trying to be offensive. I would be really interested to spar you guys, a pity that you live so far away! Because I have yet to see a TKD practitioner I think could get in the ring and succeed. Never mind the street.


What kind of training do you guys do?



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Hi Fenris just to say its good to see a lady doing MT. Its one that the ladies avoid alot. The more the better, if anyone doubts women can fight, even if its only in the back of their mind, find an MT show with a laydies fight on and be reasy for some good MT. Off topic i know but its good t make contact.

Seize the day!

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