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About martial arts......


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Hello everyone. I really want to start some form of martial arts.....probably karate. I've started martial arts once before but then broke my hand and it took a lot longer than usual to heal correctly and I couldn't do anything so I gave up until it got better. Well it's been better for like 6 months now (I gave it some extra time just in case) and i'm thinking of starting up again. I'm 15....I am like 6'2" and 170lbs. The thing is is that when I did it before I only went to 2 sessions and then I broke my hand (not in martial arts....just being a teen). Do you think I am too young to start this? I've heard from some people that at my age it's difficult to start martial arts because of the changes in ones life in both mental and physical stages. Does anyone have any tips for a newcomer? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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First off: welcome, Goku!


I say go for it. I started at the same age and am not sorry I did. I would be much less of a person today without karate. However, it is important to reflect on your reasons for wanting to learn the martial arts in the first place. True, learning them will change your perspective, but do you want to be able to defend yourself, compete, get in shape, look cool, what?


Hmm... Goku. Any relation to a certain DBZ character? 8)

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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I can't really tell you what style you would like, since I'm a newbie to martial arts, as well.

I've heard from some people that at my age it's difficult to start martial arts because of the changes in ones life in both mental and physical stages. Does anyone have any tips for a newcomer? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


No way. I'm 16 and your same height (I grew 2 inches in a week, crazy) plus 10 pounds, and if anything, it helps. Martial Arts is my little sanctum where I can forget about my stupid math teacher and "gangstazz" threatening me at school and just focus on what I love doing. And, it's fun!

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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first of all.....thank you for responding. Really why I want to do it is because I have a really bad temper and I feel that this would help me channel my anger and emotions into something good. Another reason is so if there ever comes the time where i'd have to defend myself and fight then I wouldn't just be swinging and have a chance of seriously hurting the other person. Another reason is because I was thinking of competing..after I get good enough of course though. I'm in shape now so that isn't really a factor of it........i'm not really in martial arts shape though. I'm in more of a bodybuilder/weightlifter shape. But when I start martial arts i'll be back to that shape in like a week or 2.


And yes my name is from DBZ. It's a cool show. I used to watch it...now the DBZ sagas are over and they only play reruns....I have some tapes though and I pop one in every once in a while.

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Really why I want to do it is because I have a really bad temper and I feel that this would help me channel my anger and emotions into something good. Another reason is so if there ever comes the time where i'd have to defend myself and fight then I wouldn't just be swinging and have a chance of seriously hurting the other person.


Yes, then you should definitely join martial arts. I used to punch concrete walls and trees to the point where I couldn't open or close my hand for weeks.. for no real reason, sometimes just to see if I could "stand the pain". It used to be a great way to calm myself down, but not exactly the healthiest. Oh well, I stopped doing that ever since I joined in martial arts training.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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I don't think there's ever really an age where you shouldn't join martial arts (unless you are under five years old). It's a fantastic way to relax, learn something, channel your anger, and just have fun.


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a q-tip"

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Ok cool....thanks. Oh yeah last time I started....before I even started I met my instructor........he seemed cool....but then when I went to class....he was just someone that I didn't like too much. He seemed like a stuck up guy who thought he was better then everyone else. Do all instructors act that way? If so then i'll go back to that place.....but if not...then i'll go somewhere else.

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Heh, atleast when it comes to the martial art that your instructor's teaching, he should be better than everyone else. Doesn't mean that they rub it in, though.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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:brow: Definitely join, but do the research and try different schools and teachers. If u get a bad vibe from the instructor then I say keep looking. I started MA when I was a teen and it changed my life. It gets u focused and bleeds alot of macho * that gets all teens in trouble. Try a couple of different styles and teachers and see which ones u like the best. I would tend to try masters from the old countries because although they are a lot tougher on u thy know their stuff and the discipline u learn will really help down the road. Also most of them really know how to kick * (usually yours}. :karate:


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I certainly don't think that you're the 'wrong age' to start martial arts! If you're having trouble with controlling your anger too, then it would be good for you to do MA to try and channel your energy into something beneficial. What type of MA are you interested in? Something strikig based or more towards grappling?


Well, whatever style/type of MA you choose a good instructor is a must. Don't just pick the first one you hear about - have a good look round until you find a club you like the look of. Don't be afraid to ask plenty of questions - and if the instructor doesn't seem to want to answer then turn around and walk away. A good instructor should be welcoming and willing to answer questions.


Check out things like prices; possibly having to sign a contract; experience of the instructor; does he do most of the teaching or is it left to an assistant; how many students does the club have at the moment; how long does it take to black belt (if the instructor says "a year" or "18 months" then be a bit suss if it a traditional school).


Good luck in your search for a club - I'm sure you'll love martial arts training! :karate:

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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