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Unruly students

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Pushups....and if that don't help, more pushups. They can keep coming back and paying dues to do pushups, or they can straighten-up and start learning. Most of the time, they just don't come back....which is also fine.

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That's my solution. :) Class can be an hour of learning, or an hour of you challenging me to make you cry with pushups, your choice. ;)


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

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It all depends on why they are being unruly. If the entire class is that way then you need to look at your teaching style. If it is oly one or two students find out why they are that way and procede from there. As for the discipline part I would say do something that they can learn from and still get there butts worked off. I have tried the pushup thing and it only leads to more unruly behaviour and/or a loss of students. If you are trying to run the school as a business then the loss of students is a problem. Work with your students not against them.

"let those who shed blood with me be forever known as my brother."

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I kind of have a problem with push ups as discipline. If a kid associates push ups as punishment then how do you approach push ups a way to get stronger which is a good thing to do?


If I have an unruly student I tell them to shape up or sit out. If you have to sit them out then have the whole class do something really fun so the student wants to come back to class. If the behavior continues then you need to sit down with the parent and student and tell them that they are disturbing the whole class and if it continues then they will have to train somewhere else. This is only for extreme situations.

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We advise the student that if they cannot particpate in class then they will have to bow out. Have only had to bow out one student in the whole time I have been teaching.

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Yeppers, i don't apply exercise as a means of punishment, for the very same reason Squawman mentioned.


Goofing off is contagious and significantly increases the likelihood of injuries. People need 110% attention on what they are practicing. Occasional lectures on the subject, to the class as a whole, helps to ensure such behaviors don't become common-place.


The intent is to ensure nobody gets hurt, so directing them to 'bow out' is a good recommendation. Eventually, being 'left out' for periods of time will encourage them to cooperate and listen. If, however, they don't calm down, and they're minors, communicating to their parents is the next option. With adults, if they don't calm down even after being directed to sit it out for a bit, there's the door...

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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I use the 3 strikes, and you're out rule myself. Depending on the severity of the unruliness of course, I generally warn them once...then a second time. Third time, they are sitting out (again, depending on the severity of the infraction) for anywhere from 15 minutes, to the rest of the class. If this student is continually unruly in EVERY class, they are gone...period! I don't have the time, nor the patience to waste on someone, adult or child, that isn't there to learn.

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we have a different rule at my place. It seems to work especially well with the younger ones. We give one warning then take the belt away and explain your belt is something you work hard for and if you slack off then you dont deserve it. Then we give them 2 weeks to earn it back.

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