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I just got a lesson on stupidity. I borrowed 5 bucks from one of my co-workers about two weeks ago. When I borrowed the money he asked me when I was going to give it back to him. I told him ASAP and his exact words to me were "I know that your in a tight financial bind right now so don't worry about it, just give it to me when you can". Needless to say I was very appreciative of that.


So anywayz about two weeks go by and he comes up to me yesterday and his attitude is the total opposite of what it was when he gave me the cash. "Man you've been dodging me for 2 weeks (not true) and I want my "GD" money!" I was taken by suprise at his attitude but I calmly reminded him that it was not yet payday and that as soon as I get paid I will give you you 5 bucks. He wouldn't have that and he starts getting louder and making a scene. I told him "look man I don't know if your having a bad day or what but you need to really chill out. And besides, if I recall correctly you told me not to worry about it and to pay you when I can". He yells "but I didn't mean take 10 damn years to pay me!" By this time I am starting to get mad so I get up and walk away to go outside. He says "oh so your just going to walk away from me like I'm some kind of female or something" and follows me. I tell him not to follow me and this makes him even more ticked off and he grabs at me. I slap his hand away from me and say man what the hell is your problem!? Then this idiot does the unthinkable and slugs me in full view of about 20 people. I turn my head to avoid the full force of the punch and then he try's to tackle me to the ground. I sprawl and then I stand back up. He comes at me again swingging away, I slip his punches, clinch with him, and then I reap him to the ground. I then get his back and I was going to choke him out, but better judgement prevailed and I just front face locked him instead. He was really mad and began sqwirmming and trying to get out. I told him to chill out or I'll apply more pressure, he didn't so I cranked it tighter until he was in complete agony. Keep in mind that this entire sequence of events lasted no longer then 5 minutes, and the fight itself lasted about 30 seconds at the most (though it semed like an eternity). So anyway the supervisors finally grow a pair and break us up. I was relatively cool and collected so they didn't have to hold me but he was furious and still trying to come after me so they restrained him. I grabbed my stuff, told them to call me later if they need me and I left. The only reason I did this was because he wasn't trying to stop getting to me and I just wanted to alieviate the situation as much as possible, so I left.


So anyway today I get to work and go into the office to sign on for my shift and they tell me to go and see the human resources manager. I don't trip because I know what it's about and I walk to his office. Of course he asked for my version of the events and I told him exactly what happened. He then told me that I was going to be suspended immeadiately for 3 days pending the results of a drug test. He said that it was likely that the other guy would be fired because my co-workers confirmed my side of the story. He also told me that if I had thrown a punch that I would have likely been fired as well (which sucks because I didn't start it and in fact tried to avoid the fight all together). So here I am, suspended for three days without pay. All this for 5 dollars. The moral of the story, DON'T BORROW MONEY!!

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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Wow. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed for you. Good job man.


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a q-tip"

"There is no spoon."


Sucks man, hope it turns out ok. That is one of the advantages to grappling though...you can control a fight without really hurting someone.


Unbelievable. What an idiot. For 5 bucks? (is that dollars?) ...


Good you got away with a suspention (though it's not fair). It was really sad to lose your job because of a neanderthal :x


Hope you'll be OK. I cross my fingers.


That really sucks!!! You should suggest to them that the other guy get a drug test as well. If he tests positive you are off the hook and they are legally responsible for your saftey and well being in the work place. (Are you obligated by contract to take a drug test? Some unions will not allow it. Is drug testing a part of your company policy? These are your rights which many people gave their lives to defend, do not let them get tred upon.) It could lead to potential litigation due to their inability to provide a safe working atmosphere. :P


Giving you a suspension on account of that guys irrational and criminal behavior is un-fair and possibly illegal. :kaioken:


Of course if you really wanted to you could have him arrested for assaulting you. :brow:

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.


Well, it isn't fair. And most managers get to where they are through politics, which means they have no balls or brains either. I think I'd have went along the lines of Shoto's advice and droped a hint to the HR eunuch that since the supervisors present didn't intervene untill after he'd assaulted you and you had the situation controled, without excessive force, they are LEGALLY responsible. Don't threaten, but let them know where they stand, and that you know what's what.


Altrnatively, use the three days to look for another job.

Freedom isn't free!

  shotochem said:
That really sucks!!! You should suggest to them that the other guy get a drug test as well. If he tests positive you are off the hook and they are legally responsible for your saftey and well being in the work place. (Are you obligated by contract to take a drug test? Some unions will not allow it. Is drug testing a part of your company policy? These are your rights which many people gave their lives to defend, do not let them get tred upon.) It could lead to potential litigation due to their inability to provide a safe working atmosphere. :P


Giving you a suspension on account of that guys irrational and criminal behavior is un-fair and possibly illegal. :kaioken:


Of course if you really wanted to you could have him arrested for assaulting you. :brow:


You know I never really thought about if they should drug test him because he was terminated. I took some thime to read over the company handbook and yes drug testing is part of the policy if you are in an accident or ANY type of physical altercation rather it's your fault or not. Our union is still pretty new (6 months) so we don't have much pull yet, but we are getting there.

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




  Reklats said:


You should've just choked him out. What an *.

:lol: I really wanted to but that wouldn't have been wise considering the setting. I basically just toyed with him to show him that I could have taken him out any time I wanted to. For example, when he tried his clumsy attempt at a double leg takedown I could have easily choked him out from that position. I could have armbarred him, I could have Kimura locked him, or I could have grounded and pounded him. But I choose the right technique I think. Can't argue with the results :brow:

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.





Haha, man, he really must have been having a bad day. Swinging at someone because of five bucks? Come on. Good job, though, sounds like you handled the situation pretty well.

For example, when he tried his clumsy attempt at a double leg takedown I could have easily choked him out from that position. I could have armbarred him, I could have Kimura locked him, or I could have grounded and pounded him.


You could have what, what and what? I want to learn grappling :/

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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