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Make sure you do then slow , slow up slow down. Try doing 5 seconds up, 5 seconds down. then make it longer you will get more out of less reps

"If you don't want to get hit while sparring , join the cardio class"

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  Icetuete said:
4 months ago I could hardly do 10 of them, now I do 3 sets of 20... I'm excited!


thats pretty good for such a short time - how much have you been doing per day when u started and how did you develope?


Thank you.


Umm... I think when I started, I started because Sempai made us in class. We used to go through Kihan (not sure if I spelt that correctly, but what I mean is the basic techniques), and then he would shout out 10 pushups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats. So we had to do them. Then we would do more kihan and he would say the same thing, but this time 20.... and again 30.


I do pushups about 3 times a week. I used to compete in downhill mountain biking so I always had a strong upper body. However a year ago I had a severe shoulder seperation which made it hard to do pushups. Being forced to do pushups seems to have strengthen my shoulder which is great because it doesn't hurt as much anymore, and as a result can increase the amount that I can do. :)


ive heard its good to wait a day so the muscles can form. Do a different exercise on the other day the go back to push-ups the next.

#1"The road to tae kwan leep is an endless road leading into the herizon, you must fully understand its ways". #2"but i wanna wax the walls with people now" #1"come ed gruberman, your first lesson is here.....boot to the head" #2"ouch, you kicked me in the head", #1"you learn quickly ed gruberman"

  iolair said:
I don't like to work any particular joint or muscle hard for two days in a row - I think it's much better to have a recovery day in between (when you're either resting, or working different parts of your body, or working the same part but only lightly).


This allows the joints time to recover from any microinjuries and the muscles time to develop.


I agree with this completely. You could try doing various types of push-ups (dands, knuckle, finger-tip, jumping, triangle) every other or every third day.


Do not forget to do various types of leg, back and core exercises. Many people develop injuries from out of balances in the strength levels of there muscle groups.


If it was me, I would try the following cycle:


Day 1: push-ups and pull-ups


Day 2: legs and core


Day 3: rest


Start over at day 1


I am extremely heavy into weight lifting and push ups are a part of weight lifting. and from what i've read from every source i've heard of is, if you're doing any kind of weight lifting, you MUST have a day to rest your muscles and joints. my advice for anyone, not just MAists is to, on the first day do your upper body workout, and if you don't have a weight machine/bench, then improvise, you can get a great workout by doing just pushups, chin ups, dips. on the second day (the following day after your upper body workout), do your lower body, your abs/midsection, and legs. and about your abs, i'd suggest to do as many different types of ab workouts as you know of, and do lots of squats. you can probably figure out different ways to workout your legs if you don't have a weight bench. and then the next day do your upper body, and the next do your lower, so you have a day in between each type of exercise to let your muscles rest, but also w/o wasting a day doing no type of exercise at all.

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.


im only 14 so should i be doing pushups or should i wait till im er..fully developed in my er..muscles

Karate is like an explosion, not like paint drying!

  Jiyn said:
im only 14 so should i be doing pushups or should i wait till im er..fully developed in my er..muscles


do them now, no sense wasting time, and your body is able to weight lift at the age of 12, so go at it!

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.


thanx for the advice but i probably wont be able to do alot of time each day because i have exams coming up in 2 weeks :bawling: so i will be revising aswell

Karate is like an explosion, not like paint drying!


np, but push ups don't take long, just take a couple minutes every other day to do as many as you can, doesn't take long at all.

Joshua Brehm

-When you're not practicing remember this; someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you.

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