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Beginner Division Tournament


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Well i'm going to a tournament tommorrow, first one so i'm entering in the beginner division. Just have a few questions..but I might not even be able to see them since I'm gonna be leaving tommorrow afternoon. Anyway in the beginner kata division I was wondering if by beginner these guys are gonna be tottaly new and doing Kihon Kata Ichi or something, or if they are actually more experienced and will do an advanced kata. Also, in begginer kumite, I was wondering what intensity beginners typically give out...and how skilled they tend to be. Was just wondering if you could share your first tounament experience. By the way this is the 16 yr old Mens Begginer division. Ill post back on probably sunday letting everyone know how I did. This is an AAU regional tournament.

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usally the beginners division in kata you usally see people who are white , yellow and orange. which for a shito ryu practitioner would be taikyoko shodan or ni . pinan nidan , sandan etc. in beginners kumite people seem to be scared to attack depeneding on the skill level of the practitioner and how the intructor teaches his her kumite techniques. but remember never under estimate ur opponent. oSu

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Of course I don't know waht the rournaments in ?Frisco are like, but around here, "beginner" means anybody under 1 year..which can be a HUGE differance in skill levels.


For kumite, I'd suggest being aggressive and launching an attack immediately and as fast as you can on the first bout. Basically, scare/dazzle your opponent if you can! Not that that always works, but often it does.


for kata, don't worry about what the others are going to do. Do you best and focus on speed, power, stances, eye/head positioning and doing the best that you can do.

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I suppose by now, reading this, you've probably already competed. So post here on your experiences, I'd like to know! I really hope you had fun and that you will be doing more tournements in the future.


I did my second tournement yesterday. Hehe, I did ok, but my losing match was painful. The girl was 60 lbs heavier than I, and god her low kicks were brutal. I was a deer caught in the headlights and I didn't even attempt to move or block her kicks after that for some reason. Anyways, I leanred not to fight toe to toe with people who are way bigger than you :wink:

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I got two golds, Kata and Kumite. I guess it's ok...but I think it was too easy. I mean most people start entering tournaments when they are little, and compete in the beginner division then. Then, when they grow up to be my age they are in advanced. There weren't even many people in my 15-18 beginner division. =(. I really would like to compete in Advanced black belt division before I would be forced to compete with the adults. I hope the next one will be more challenging and have more compettitors.

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