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How do you apply an inescapable stranglehold around the neck?


I've heard loads of different methods.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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There's a variety of different strangle holds out there, but the one that I always enjoy using is just wrapping my forearm around a guys throat, pivoting my hip under their butt, then I bend over and basically dangle them with their feet totally off the floor until they stop wiggling. There's no way that I've found for them to get out of it. If they try to raise their legs, I jsut lower them a bit and that stops. They can't reach any part of my anatomy with any effectiveness, and the oxygen runs out real fast. :D

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"


There's a Brazilian Jujitsu strangle hold called the "Triangle Choke" which is a leg scissors around the neck with the arms gripping the opponents arms.

If your enemy refuses to be humbled......you must destroy him.

  G Money Slick said:
There's a Brazilian Jujitsu strangle hold called the "Triangle Choke" which is a leg scissors around the neck with the arms gripping the opponents arms.


Effective, I'm sure, but isn't that a good way to get a chunk bitten out of your leg...or another vital part of your anatomy (depending on where your mouth is of course!) :D And if you say "biting isn't legal or allowed"...then you need to clarify your answers by saying "In competition we use..."...see what I mean?

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"


If you do a triangle right they wouldn't be able to bite you. On a side note- triangling someone doesn't require you to be able to lift them off the ground.

  Reklats said:
If you do a triangle right they wouldn't be able to bite you. On a side note- triangling someone doesn't require you to be able to lift them off the ground.


Understand I'm not saying your wrong here, but I'm trying to visulaize how you have a guys head between your legs, and holding his arms...and he's not able to turn his head at all to take a big bite out of whatever is available? You don't have a pic of that do you by chance?

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

  Reklats said:
These aren't my pics:




If the guy in this ^^ pic is going to bite anything, its his own arm.


Thansk for the pic...I had it mentally pictured all wrong.


I see at least several things the guy can do here.


1. Bite the guys stomach/lower abdomen area. On the street they aren't going to be wearing a heavy weight judo gi.


2. Take his right hand and oull it back under himself (looks easy enough) and grab the guys testicles.


3. Get his feet under him and lift the guy up as far as he can (won't be able to go fully erect) and body slam him down on the the floor (preferable on a chair or rock) as hard as he can.


4. Left hand and eye gouge or claw at his face/throat.


5. Possibly take his right knee and start hammering to his testicles.


6. Reach up and grab a finger or two and pull real hard.


7. Sit and wait..his leg will tire and he will have to let go in 2 minutes or so.


I can't see where this is actually a "choke" as there's nothing pressing against his throat except your stomach, which won't do it Rather, it looks more like a head lock.


Again, I'm not trying to bad mouth the technique, but it doesn't look all that tough to get out of to me.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"


I didn't see the choke either until someone demonstrated it on me. It's just as effective as a rear naked choke. Also it's hard to see because they're both wearing white gi's, but the guy on top has his own arm lodged across the front of his throat, and it's very hard to dislodge.


Striking to the groin with the left hand would be a very low percentage shot if you could reach at all, and I know from our "watered down rules :)" that a guy can't really punch well from here. If they're smart tehy're more worried about getting out.

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