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why start with instructing kids?

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Personally, I get my own students actually teaching entire classes by themselves (I supervise and participate however) periodically when they get their Sankyu (1st of three brown belts), so that by the time they attain their Shodan, they have quite a few hours of teaching experience.


I have run a mixed class in the past of children and adults, and if run properly, it works out well. Currently, and for the foreseeable future, I no longer teach children unless they are "adult sized" and capable and willing to work hand in hand with adults in all aspects of karate training.


I would not recommend starting your MA career by teaching children first instead of adults, as children require many more times the amount of patience to work with, and you need much better teaching skills with children. I was fortunate when I taught kids in that I have a Bachelor's Degree (+) in Elementary Education and used to teach children in the educational classroom.

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The original question for this thread is "Why start with instructing kids?"


Well, I would have to guess that it's simply where it is needed most by instructors because the kids usually require more supervision than adults who can practice somewhat autonomously after being shown how to do a technique.


From my experience, the kids need to be corrected quite often, and while it can be debated whether it's fun or "worth it" to have to constantly repeat material with kids, it's simply a matter of that's where the help is required.


Dahn Boh Nim - Black-Brown Belt

Kuk Sool Won

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I have to add my 2 cents. Teaching children is slower and more systematic But while most of the money is in kids, I believe that a lot of unscrupulous folks take advantage of that. I can think of a lot of schools, bjj schools in particular that make BIG cash without kids.

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The original question for this thread is "Why start with instructing kids?"


Well, in my case it wasn't a matter of starting with kids .... I only taught kids. For some reason teaching adults didn't click with me and I never had adult students for long. But when it came to kids, I always had a room full. Loved teaching them too.


Guess everyone is different.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think starting to teach kids is very important. Kids do make up most of the kartate students. Teaching adults isn't easy. It's tough to teach and take controll of your peers. With kids you have much more authority. As for adults, if you do or say something wrong they may second guesse you. Kids will believe anything you say and if they question you just say your the instructor.


I also find kids classes more fun to teach. I really don't like teaching the adults. I don't feel as comfortable putting myself at a higher level then they are.

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I don't feel as comfortable putting myself at a higher level then they are.

Then don't. When i instruct, i'm equal to the persons i instruct. The difference is, i have knowledge and information they want, and i'm willing to share it with them.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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  • 2 weeks later...

i find teaching both adults and kids fulfilling. Fair enough, to teach an adult can seem easier because they appear to give 100% attention, but i thought one of the principles of martial arts was to offer a certain type of discipline. So surely kids must adopt this in time and they do begin to give more attention. I noticed with my white belts that even the adults dont give 100% but my 3rd Kyu kids give 110%. Adults may seem to give 100+% because they don't act in the same manner as kids do, i know kids mess about when bored or when they cant be bothered, adults dont tend to do this so how do we know when they arent paying the full 100%?


But to me, to see one of my kids win at a competition or pass a grading, that feeling is unreal, the satisfaction that you helped do that is amazing. For some reason it feels better than seeing an adult succeed. Im not sure why like, might just be me.


But if we ignore the kids then who is going to carry on MA into the future? Will it be the end of it if we ignore kids, or give adult students preferencial treatment?


Fair enough it can be stressful to teach the kids, but just think, if you started MA as a child then how would you of felt if your instructor thought the same? Or imagine you are a parent and you see your child being neglected, how would it make you feel. Karate is about more than the teaching, its the passing on of wisdom etc.


I may only be 17, but i have been instructing since i was 15 and i havew found that i get the most respect off the kids, as adults treat me as if i am a child stil, i find it quite amazing that people can behave in such a manner to their Sensei, so called adults who pay attention more, they aren't any better than kids, in my opinion i prefer to teach the kids because i can relate to them as i can remember that it was not so long ago that i was their age

1st dan black belt- shotokan karate

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I enjoy teaching children - it's hard work but very rewarding when the lighbulb comes on and they finally get what you've been blathering on about. :idea: However, I do think that starting children off at a very young age isn't apropriate for martial arts (but that's another issue entirely...)


I think that a lot of people start with instructing kids is because they're thrust into it by their instructors - a lot of places require brown & black belt students to teach or assist with classes. Often it is a requirement for grading. Prospetive assistant instructors are usually started off with the children's (usually beginner) classes because they're the ones that tend to need the highest student-to-teacher ratio.

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I may only be 17, but i have been instructing since i was 15 and i havew found that i get the most respect off the kids, as adults treat me as if i am a child stil, i find it quite amazing that people can behave in such a manner to their Sensei, so called adults who pay attention more, they aren't any better than kids

Well Mandy, knowledge and age are two entirely different things. People will respect you for your knowledge, but you are still very young and the knowledge you have, or the position you hold, isn't going to dismiss the latter.


Also, your above comments give me the impression you resent being treated your age and have resorted to holding a measure of disrespect to adults. Sorry to say this, but get over it. I'm 40 right now, but if i shave my beard and mustache off, i look like i'm in my early 20s. All my life i've looked far younger than i am. Due to this, i learned a long time ago to not let the stereotyping of others, based on age (or the presumption of age), interfere with my effectiveness, productivity, and presentation of respect for others. In other words, if they're sincerely older than me, i give them the respect i would any elder, regardless of my station (above/below/equal). Respect, in whatever manner given, is 'usually' reciprocated. Disrespect, or contempt, likewise.


Hoping this input is well received.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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Also, your above comments give me the impression you resent being treated your age and have resorted to holding a measure of disrespect to adults. Sorry to say this, but get over it. I'm 40 right now, but if i shave my beard and mustache off, i look like i'm in my early 20s.


Wouldn't you resent being treat differently because of your age??? And the point where you say you look in your 20s is a bit off the point there don't you think? I do not hold disrespect to adults, i treat them with the respect they deserve as i have always been taught that to respect my elders. I do not resent being treat my age, but i am mature for a 17 year old, i have to be; i live by myself and i have a child so i had to grow up fast. The fact that some adults take the mick to some extent and question what i know because i am still a teenager, angers me greatly. Fair enough you are entitled to your own opinion and you can interpret what i said previously to whatever extent you wish, but the point i was trying to make, is that it is harder for a young Sensei to try and teach a group of adults when they still treat you like a child, when it is blaitantly obvious that i know what i am doing or else i wouldnt be in the position to teach that i am, that is what i was trying to say.


Also, i treat every person with the same amount of respect irrespective of age, when i join in a lesson and have one of my Cadet black belts take any part of the lesson, i treat them with the same respect as they have shown me. To me age isn't a thing that you can base the amount of respect of a person about, to me every age deserves the same amount. But thats just me and i dont know if thats because ive had to go through so much in my life that, its just the way that i now think

1st dan black belt- shotokan karate

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