Bdaze Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 I read an article given to me by a member of my class about playing "war games" inorder to increase your awareness. Things like noticing every time someone walks into a room, how many people are walking a group behind you, how many people are noticibley carrying knives (belt holster or pocket clip) Noting body possitionings and thinking about "If this person suddnely atacked me, what would I do to defend given their possition relative to me?" All of these can help increae your awareness and make your chances of being surprised much lower. It was an interesting concept, but it also left me thinking. At what point does it stop being a "war game" and start being actual paranoia? If you start thinking about the best ways of defending, you're bound to start getting jumpy. If in your journey you encounter God, God will be cut ~Hatori Hanso (sonny chiba)
TheDevilAside Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 It starts becoming paranoia when you start wearing kitchen accessories over you head so that the Illuminati can't read your mind. "If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill
WolverineGuy Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 LMAO Wolverine1st Dan - Kalkinodo"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a q-tip""There is no spoon."
Rich_2k3 Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 yep "When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee
delta1 Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 TheDevilAside said: It starts becoming paranoia when you start wearing kitchen accessories over you head so that the Illuminati can't read your mind. Oh no!!! You mean I'... Never mind! Freedom isn't free!
delta1 Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 Actually, paranoia in the loose sense you use it here is highly underrated. Nothing wrong with awareness drills, or for that matter just being aware. And many people become aware of things as second nature. When I worked with hazardous materials, we were ALLWAYS aware of wind direction and changes. Firefighters tend to automatically get the lay of any structure they enter, and there are only two types of people that almost allways look up when they enter a building- architechts and janitors. Most people live their life in a fog, but those who need awareness and practice it just naturally see things the rest don't. Clinical paranoia is another matter. It is debilitating. An example, I just got back from the physical therapist. He worked on and manipulated my neck and head, and I had to be really relaxed while he did his thing. I think they trained these guys dureing the Spanish Inquisition, because it hurts like hades. Also, he could have snapped my neck with just a little more pressure, and often my airway was partially occluded. You have to trust someone implicitly to allow that kind of control. Now, I practice awareness, but no way could a true paranoid go through that. If I were truly paranoid, I'd just have to suffer with the injuries. In extreme cases, just the trip to the clinic would have been impossible, let alone the therapy. SO if you are out and about, and still able to trust some people, I wouldn't worry about being paranoid. You are just more awake than the average ding-bat. Freedom isn't free!
blitzcraig Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 Bruce Lee did something simalar to that. He would focus on one person in a room and watch there movements..(yea I know, kinda creepy if you ask me), but as they would begin to do something such as pick up a fork or begin to speak or raise their arm he would let out a sublite quite grunt or tense up as if he were to strike or block. This does increase reaction time thereforth increase responce to situations....but noticing whats all around you is good too...very good. #1"The road to tae kwan leep is an endless road leading into the herizon, you must fully understand its ways". #2"but i wanna wax the walls with people now" #1"come ed gruberman, your first lesson is here.....boot to the head" #2"ouch, you kicked me in the head", #1"you learn quickly ed gruberman"
Drunken Monkey Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 whoooa, y'know, i DO look up when i enter a building! post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are."When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."
tsukimaster Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 it's only paranoia when the voices in your head tell you it is. Shidoshi
SevenStar Posted April 2, 2004 Posted April 2, 2004 Anyone remember "Strange Days"? "Paranoia is merely reality on a finer scale"
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