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Hello everyone,


I'm 19 years old and about 200lbs and been trying to do the splits for about six months streching about 2 - 4 times a week. I got myself down to about a foot away from the ground and I can't seem to get down any futher. It fills like my hips are about to pop out of the sockets ( hard to explain how it fills.... it's not a tearing a muscle pain it's in my hips). What kind of streches should I do to loosen up my hips.


I do a strech where i get on my knees and elbows and take my knees all the way out as far as I can then I gently start to push back with my eblows causing my hips to go back and I feel a good strech in my hips but is that what i need to be streching?





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I think I have the same problem. I am able to get about six inches from the ground, but I have to lean my torso forward, as if i'm doing a sit and reach. If I try to sit up while doing it, I get pain in my hip joints like they are coming out of their sockets. I've just learned to live with it.

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What type of splits are you trying to do, half or full? I can do a half split, but not a full. When you are warmed up, work more on your stretching, do it when you are sitting around watching TV, etc., eventually it will come to you.

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I may have taught you everything you know, but I haven't taught you everything I know. Age and treachery can beat youth and speed any day.

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LOL!, Don't kill yourself, I've been stretching and trying for years. I still can't get a full split. I can still kick to the head, thats all that matters. Keep working on it just don't over stretch(stretch too far) and injure yourself(ie. tearing a muscle) :)

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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Hello everyone,


I'm 19 years old and about 200lbs and been trying to do the splits for about six months streching about 2 - 4 times a week. I got myself down to about a foot away from the ground and I can't seem to get down any futher. It fills like my hips are about to pop out of the sockets ( hard to explain how it fills.... it's not a tearing a muscle pain it's in my hips). What kind of streches should I do to loosen up my hips.


I remember that stage. I felt that way until I started doing more and more stretching after very hard and strenuous workouts because the muscles were so warm that they realy upped the anty in terms of flexibility.


Also, challenge your hips with different stretches. Working on the front splits will help your side split. Nowdays I can sometimes waltz into class, dive into the front splits, change sides, and then go straight to a full side split.

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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DON'T PUSH TOO FAR. Try to have some more patience. There are flexible people that are born like that and of course some stiff poles like US :D It comes with time, just don't try to hard. It took me almost 3 years to improve flexibility and I could have got the result in half the time if I wouldn't push myself too much. I had 3-4 strained muscles and I never recovered fully after the last one. I can bend on my left leg, touching the hip with my chest, but the right part is stiffer, because of the injuries.


It's better to have a continuous effort with smart dosage than ups and downs due to overtraining and injuries. They heal hard and you lose many precious classes because of them.

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Try using the hip abductor and adductor machines in your gym. These exercises are particularly good for warming up those muscles when you start on the splits.


Just make sure you relax and don't bounce as you reach the limit you can get down to.


Just remember, you are not stretching the muscle but are, in fact, working on your "stretch reflex" which is a different thing altogether. Everybody can attain a full box split, it is a physically possible thing. The stretch reflex is the reason why most people cannot achieve this.


Just take it slow and relax and breath, you will get there. If you push and it hurts, then your stretch reflex will not readily forgive you and you will eventually build up a mental blockage against reaching your full stretch potential.


Have fun but train safe.



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Simple...if you have your white belt that you don't wera anymore ise it to tie your foot in a back on floor position and pull it to your body keep doing this, simple, am getting close to do all kinds of splits, see ya round kiddo.

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