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Anyone out there who also gets no sparing?


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First, great post Sensei Paul! You truly understand how things are.


Second, sparring everyday is stupid and unhealthy. Once a week is plenty. Sparring IS NOT fighting, so don't get it twisted. Especialy with no straight or hook punches to the face/head. Those are your best weapons in a street altercation, along with other more serious head, face and neck strikes.


Even in football (American) there are times when there is light or no contact, especially before a game. If you injure yourself in the dojo, then how will you be able to maximally protect you and your loved ones on the street? How will you be able to get the job done when you get hurt playing around with confrontation?


Up to about 1st kyu sparring can be a beneficial training tool, and it can be a fun game. Sparring at yudansha grade is something I don't push, but heck dowhatchalike! If you allow grappling and groundwork, and teach effective and "quick results" techs then sparring can be good. Prolonged ring fighting is nowhere near realistic. It is not the main tool to teach real fighting, although it does have its merits, especially up to the intermediate level.


Again, Sensei Paul, much propers!!!

Yes, there is a right and wrong way....

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"Sparring IS NOT fighting"


Yeah, right, until the first hard blow lands, that is :)


We had a guy visiting from Kyokushin, Japan last week.


He broke his pinky finger on someones elbow on the Tuesday night and was fighting again with it strapped up on Wednesday.



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Wado... he never said those exercises were useless, just that they don't teach timing. And no, none of those exercises that you listed teach any sort of timing.


sorry guys i cant understand your comments tell the old japanese sensei they have no timing ive read plenty of comments saying many dont believe in sparring as you can tend to leave techniques short due to the control required im not saying sparring is useless but its not the be all and end all of MA

theres no one style just your style---------

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You read too much into what I'm saying


I said "Wado... he never said those exercises were useless, just that they don't teach timing. And no, none of those exercises that you listed teach any sort of timing."


I never said karate has no timing or old senseis had no timing... In fact I'm sure karateka of old did drills to improve their timing. So maybe they have timing, maybe they don't, but it sure isn't because of kata.

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Quit, Quit, Quit.


Sparring is a fundemental part of martial arts, try visiting a club who sparrs and u'll probably find they will nail u in kumite, seriously u cant beat experience.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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Quit, Quit, Quit.


Sparring is a fundemental part of martial arts, try visiting a club who sparrs and u'll probably find they will nail u in kumite, seriously u cant beat experience.


we do spars in our dojo at least twice a week i am not knocking sparring i enjoy it


but its not important when it comes to the crunch to score a ippone nihone or sanbone is irrelevant when youve got some gorrilla in front trying to take your head off


if are we talking about experience on a competition stage then i agree the more you do the more experienced you'll become


but it does not make you a good martial artist if it were that easy we could all be shodan in a matter of months and the over thirties wouldnt have a chance


the reason for my comments earlier were in answer to another made to saying unless you sparred you had no timing and i totally dis-agreed


sparring is exactly that sparring

theres no one style just your style---------

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wado_lee, I'm not saying that sparring is all you need, far from it. All I meant is that sparring is a fundemental part of ur training, just as much as your drills, kata's and exercises etc. You cant rely on one thing alone to get you through it, but you also cant neglect one (especially one as important as sparring), each develops you in a different way.


If I was in a club with no sparring I would quit, not just because my level of proficentcy in karate would be less, but also because I enjoy sparring and I look forward to it at the end of the lesson, like many do.


You must also remember; sparring improves your fitness, technique, experience and a whole lot of other things, its the closest thing to a real fight u'll get. Its one thing punching an imaginary opponent but fighting a real person, its a whole different ball game.


Remember, Knowing how an opponent moves gives you more understanding when practising your technqiues.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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i agree can i ask you to read comments on page 2 and 3 of this forum to see where my thoughts have moved on from

theres no one style just your style---------

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