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Don't ask what karate can do for you....................


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While recieving another lecture from my mother the other day about how i training instead of doing any work for school. An important question was brought up about what i plan to do with my karate in the long run, i was forced to sit down and listen to the question.Instead of my usual cheeky reply i was speechless "where is this going?"


I love karate, its my one passion in life and i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world but this quetion triggered off many more "Can i make a living from karate here? Can i move?Am i perpared to give it a go?Do i want to give it a go?"


After a good ponder i concluded with"Ok Relax no need to be filling your head with all these questions, Safe some for the mid-life crisis" but one question stuck with me and i wanted to put it out there for the crowds"What to you get from Karate?"


Are you in it for fittness, Competion,fun oe like me pure passion? :karate:

Impossible is not a fact, It's an opinion!


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Hi Tigerspririt,


I would have to say that I practice Karate for the following reasons:


- Self Defence skills


- Fitness


- Discipline


- Flexibility


- Sense of achievement


Karate has also given me something to focus on as I went through a marriage separation just over a year ago and needed something to keep me going. Karate training has certainly helped me in that area.

The strongest principle in human growth lies in human choice (Alexander Chase).

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I initially started training in karate because a friend of mine stared and she showed me a kata and I thought it looked great! Now I train for fitness and self defence, and also a few competitions, but I continue my training for more than that. If I just wanted fitness training I'd join a gym. If I just wanted self defence I'd take a 6 week police-run course. I train because I enjoy the company of my MA friends (wihout sounding soppy about it, the people at my dojo's are like my family). I train because I am interested in a martial ART. I train because karate has helped to give me a sense of self-confidence and self-worth. I train because I like the discipline of a rigid training system. Heck, I train because I enjoy it!!! :karate:

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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I originally started karate because I wanted to be able to defend myself. I had this mad fantasy about being able to block a whole series of attacks from a person and not have to ever hit back! I was only 15 then and bit of a wimp and totally scared of my own shadow!




I study karate now as it is the foundation of my whole life. Just understanding the very basic ideas of karate are what I enjoy. I'm talking about holding a stance and feeling it. Just working on a basic punch and always trying to get it right - every now and then, it happens :)


For me, my job is that thing that I have to do before I can continue with my study of karate. Even when I am in the gym, running, weight lifting, the whole thing is geared towards how I feel about karate. Mad I know!!


But it really is everything to me.


I still remember being a kid and wishing I was a black belt in karate! "Then I'd show everyone!" Ho ho!! Happy times :)


Keeping fit and healthy is all part of the deal and it is good :karate:

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i started off wanting to learn self defense and how to fight, then to be like cain on kung fu, and then on to the dragon ball z type fighters, so i trained real hard for fitness and physical perfection, i started to meditate and give that a shot after i learned about chi and breaking....i started to look at forms and katas differently and finally started to like them instead of detest them....i started training hard core until i got into a serious accident, which left me physically impaired and told my life would be over with in five years and that i would never walk and be paralysed and full of pain until death...well i started taking the philosophical and mental parts to new levels pushing myself with the chi and that stuff, eventually i was able to over come alot of my problems and i am now physically training again, not like before but i am walking and living, so i started to appreciate everything that martial arts can do for you, not just physically but mentally and spiritually and to take the time to sit back relax and see what the different arts have to offer and what the martial arts really mean, what is beyond the image of the person that beats everyone up, the person that has mastered mind body and soul, i am far from there but i have made large leaps throughout my martial arts career and have understood where i need to go and how to continue it is all a matter of time for others to reach their own chosen paths and to grow as martial artists in that aspect as well and follow that path where ever it takes them, good luck on your journey of knowledge my friend.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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I was recovering from a long illness, and I had had to give up the speed swimming and dancing that I used to love. I wanted to start something that I'd not tried before, and found a karate club down the road from me. I immediately was hooked and have never looked back! :karate:

"Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals . . . except the weasel."

- Homer J Simpson

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I think the common theme here is that most Karateka, at least on this site have found a more profound reason for training then just the self-defence/fitness aspect. I have recently taken a deep interest in the origins of Karate, and the different styles eg Okinawan vs Japanese. Karate is always on my mind, and it really has become a passion.



The strongest principle in human growth lies in human choice (Alexander Chase).

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for some of the individuals that truely arrive at some of the higher levels of understanding in martial arts philosophy you start to live your life as a part of martial arts, and martial arts is your life...it is all like a circle that connects us in one form or another.....so yes it is normal.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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Stress relief!!!! :D


It also helps me keep in shape. I never really joined for self defense thats just an added benefit, I was pretty capable of defending myself before, now Im better.


It started as a father son thing. (The kid made me do it :P )


Now I am training without him. He just hangs out at the dojo. Im hoping he will want to start up again. Oh well, he's young and has many other activities. :)

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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