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Chinto applications


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Hey evrybody, I just wanted to see what applications for chinto you got. Chinto is my favorite kata, so I would like to get some good applications.

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I have seen three or four versions of this KATA, if you can point to a clip of the version you do it would help.

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From Matsumora Chinto (Seibukan):


First technique:Shift L foot forward to cat stance, L hand extends to shuto position, R hand from overhead shuto to R hand on top "x" position, rotate palm to palm to where L palm is on top, both arms at left side kamae.


-From same side wrist grab: Shift your weight to the rear leg, and press the knife edge against the opponenets wrist, locking it into place. Then cover his hand with your right hand (the shift into cat stance pulls the opponent off balance). Rotate his wrist into a palm up position, whilst applaying pressure to the elbow with your L forearm.


Second technique: Shift to natural stance, L tettsui uchi, R choku zuki.


-This is a continuation: From where you are, grasp his wrist with your R hand, pull his hand to your body as you strike outward with your L tettsui to his face. Press down on his head (bending him backwards in teh process) with the L hand (hikite) as the R hand extends to throw the opponent backwards.

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doesnt sound like wado chinto can someone show me a link

No. Wado chinto is not the only Chinto that exists. Wado Chinto is a Japanese modification of a Japanese modification of an Okinawan kata. I apologize if this sounds harsh, but not every kata is available on line.


Basically there are three major "branches" of the Chinto family of Kata (these are not in any chronological order).


The first strand is the Itosu branch, which is charaterized by the use of the one legged position, and a snapping kick fired from this position. Variations include front or side kicks, the direction the body turns on the final turn on the way "back" prior to beginning the sequence that initiates the one legged positions, and the inclusion or omission of a diagaonal component to the kata.


The next strand to be considered is the Matsumora branch. This variation is characterized by the use of a "T-stance," or occaisionally a hooked stance from which front kicks are delivered. This variation is found in Seibukan, Seidokan, and other versions of Shorin ryu, as well as Isshin Ryu. It is the version taught by Kyan Chotoku.This version of Chinto is frequently practiced on a diagnal embusen, It is also an "unbalanced kata," in that it does not end on the same spot upon which it begins.


The third family of Kata are the Matsumura family, which share many characteristics with the Matsumora variation. Again, the hooked stance is used to throw front kicks, and the kata is performed at a diagonal. This is the version practiced by Matsubayashi ryu.




Of the three, the Matsumura version is probably the oldest, followed by the Matsumora and Itosu versions.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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thanks for the insight i live and learn somthing every time i join a forum it makes even me seem knowledgable when chatting in our Dojo ____Cheers

theres no one style just your style---------

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There used to be a Wado video site run by the Glynheath (Wales) Karate Club's instructor, but it has been down for over three months.


If youa re serious about Wado, I would reccomend the JKF's video series. Tsunami Video sells, them, and they are also availabe on Amazon.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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