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Sensei fear


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Oh, when i said, "secondarily because they hold a 'portion' of your future in their hands," i was not referring to the family jewels. :brow:


Good one! :lol: 8)

I had to lose my mind to come to my senses.

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Fear. I know what you are talking about. There are some instructors that love to have their students fear them. I know one that I don't quite like to work with though he is a great at techniques. He likes to correct the hard way, punching quite hard when demonstrating the correct gyaku zuki (reverse punch) and the proper hip rotation. He tends to hit not very hard, but enough to feel the pain and become afraid he might correct you again :D And he's quite picky. He's got only top students, but they all have some fear of another show of proper form. Though I knew I could learn many things from him, I preferred working with my sensei, because he's more gentle and the only bruises I get are from kumite.


hahahaha! lol, and I know exactly what you're talking about cuz I actually had a Sensei like that once, in Sweden. He was my first Sensei, a very honoured one and I still look up at him like a little ant and miss being his disciple again. All disciples were afraid of him though, lol, so it was pretty funny every time he said: 'Okay, you there, come here, I'm gonna show how to do gyaku zuki etc etc' lol, and the guy was like 'Ooooh maaan! *gulps* o oh' :D :lol: and weird is, I was a young girl then, 11 years old and I didn't fear him.

Kill is love

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All of the instructors are very, very nice at my school.. but they are extremely intimidating. I do have a little bit of "fear" but it leans more towards respect.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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i don't believe i have fear of my sensai but i have a whole lot of respect for him. He can get quite cross but that will last for the training and after wards he's totally approachable.


When i'm not at my top form he really pushes me then but i'm used of it. i'm a 2nd dan so thats okay for me but i don't think if heard him shout at anyone lower then purple and not young kids.


If trained with a jap or two that will have you scaried witless. :lol: At the time it feels like your world is falling apart but afterwards you can laugh about it.


Seriously though I believe one of the main things karate trys to teaches you is to remove all fear so you can think fast an clearly. How can you do that if the person who is ment to be teaching you to do this is doing the oppoiste. :-?

Impossible is not a fact, It's an opinion!


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i do not fear my sensi although he is scary sometimes :kaioken: but he is a good teacher

Karate is like an explosion, not like paint drying!

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Well, I think that anyone who uses fear and intimidation as a way to get students to train isn't really worth of the title Sensei.


I don't fear my karate instructor but I have a LOT of respect for him.


The only sort of 'fear' I get is if I ever have to spar freestyle with him, and that's more a fear of looking foolish when I get my * whupped (not that he ever gives any of us a real * whuppin', he's too kind and too good a teacher to do that! It's more to do with the fact that he's excellent at karate and could bust my butt in an instant if he chose to do so.)


Do any of the other higher/dan grades get a fear of looking stupid?


I sometimes get it a bit if I have to demonstrate a technique. I often put pressure on myself, because I'm a blackbelt and I feel that I shouldn't really be making mistakes.


I know that the pressure to do well can increase as you move up the ranks, but I put a lot of it on myself, because I'm afraid of screwing up and doing something that an orange belt would be able to do...


Sheesh, your own brain can really suck at times!


*smacks side of own head* stop pressuring me to perfom, darnnit!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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ive never sparred with my sensei, but last night I grappeled with him and it was quite a battle. we exchanged holds and takedowns and pressure points and grabs, but i ended up getting exausted and he took me down and put me in an armbar. i wasn't embarrased about losing, he's a 4th dan, i didn't expact to win, seeing that im only a gold tipped belt (9th kyu).

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If they're good, fear is part of the respect you show. Clearly its part of the 'could do to me' rather than 'will do to me'. i recall watching my sensie spar, and simply not get socred on by anyone due to fear - but as we got older, wiser , better, faster, stronger and funnily - graded to black belt - we started to score.


also, phsycology - if he was teaching you when you started - and he/she was that good then - you get a mental block ( and if you dont get get a physical pointer )


i recall gary speed ( noe deceased ) recounting a session with a youn Morio Higaonna. he saw an oppening in kumite and struck the groin lightly. ( higaonnna accepted without reprocussions ). howver, when trying for a second time, was met with a flying knee kick to the head. ( the physical pointer not to take liberties )


heh ho.


ps. If he likes hitting you or anyone else - then he is a * and you need a new club ( Kohie-sempia respect is bi-directional )

Not dead yet. I just havent showered after training

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