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You think the tradional arts are to be done with?

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I enjoy traditional arts but I also enjoy contemporary arts like MMA and BJJ.


but I am feeling because of all this mixed martial arts events and huge growth in the NHB and grappling competions and such that interest will be lost in the traditional arts? Even though they have alot of good points to teach.


what are your thoughts?

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Unbeknownst to the general populace, Japan was rife with a mass of martial art systems, mostly fake, around the turn of the previous century (1900's). Time eventually flushed out the fakers.


It is my hopes that false systems, and those systems of little content, will eventually go the way of the dodo. I do suspect that most of the traditional arts will stay, if nothing else... for nostalgia's sake.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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"Omnia Mutantur Nihil Inerit"


"everything changes but nothing is truly lost"


maybe this will be the way of traditional martial arts. maybe the new system that were developed fom older ones will become the "traditional" martial arts of the future.


i think it makes no differance really. Time will weed out all of the bad systems and what is left (be it traditonal or otherwise) will have survived the test of time and go on to inspire new and better systems.


such is the way of things

If in your journey you encounter God, God will be cut

~Hatori Hanso (sonny chiba)

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Well..considering that the "Kung Fu Craze" came and went, "Ninja Craze" came and went, the "Reality Fighting Craze" seems to be waning, and the tradtional arts are still going strong..... :D

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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Good system is relative. What may have been good against a samurai isn't going to be as effective against somebody without a sword & armor. Systems come and go because the environment is changing all the time.


Wait till somebody invents "gun fu"... oh wait. :lol:

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TMA have been around far to long to just disapear even if it is not popular at some time, there are still dedicated people to keep it alive. If you join a TMA school just to fight you are missing the whole picture.

Where Art ends, nature begins.

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