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Fighting Morals

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Well in Denmark you are allowed to use deadly force in such a situation, but then you have to prove yourself in court, so witnesses are very important.


In such a situation I'd make sure the knife is away from my throat before I start to do anything, and work my way out of the headlock by all means, neutralize him.(preferably without deadly force, depending on the situation of course!)


I know that you have to react as fast as possible, but being calm is way better than going into panic... :nod:



Lars Østergaard

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You know, I'd break the hold and run like a cheap pair of stockings. I've no illusions about what to do when the other guy has a knife.


Oh, Rage against the Machine rocks, Metallica too, but Hendrix will always be my favorite.

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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On 2001-11-14 01:38, Angus wrote:


I agree, that's why i'd go all beserk.... there's not much of a chance of getting out of a headlock when tehre's a knife to ur throat.,.. if he intends to use it he'll kill u straight away..


Angus :karate: :up:


To Angus - Just say.. "KAMI HAMI HAH!" then everyone will run in fear.



Do unto others, as they done to you.

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here's a few old school sayings........... :idea:


"those who fight and run away live to fight another day"


"a dead man cannot fight injustice"


"a true fighter only fights in fights he can win"


just rushman's humble opinion......... :nod:




rushman (karate forums sensei)


3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon


"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson


[ This Message was edited by: iamrushman on 2001-11-15 16:45 ]

rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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"Start a fight andf i'll kick your ass, walk away from one and i'll kick your ass" - a very cool movie i saw once, i think it may have been Roadhouse. I'm gonna tell my sons this.


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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ill be the first to agree with such a standpoint outright...i am latin and we are famous for our macho attitude ..its in our blood to be fighters ..however common sense should overide that...and martial discipline should overide that...while akidoka has a point ..i do not walk around with a shalin monk robe and qouting bohidrhama all day long... nor do i take angnus stance as a street tough/wise fighter that is ready to kick ass all the time..i kinda put myself in the middle..through experience i understand both..but it comes down to this...the way the law sees a martial artist and what justifys us putting our skills into action..(after all i dont care how much one says they are taking martial arts for the spiritual understanding or other reasons we are taking martial arts to be able to fight period..otherwise whats the point??!!! ) and having said that when are we allowed or justified to use that knowledge is a big ass gray area..that ....the "system" will ultimately decide..which means that when you use that knowledge you can and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law ..right or wrong..almost in the same right as a person applying for a license to carry a firearm and using that firearm in defending ones life...you have that right!!!but you better be able to show you had no other choice..or your going to do some time...this is a reality!!! you have to understand this...to break it down we all practice martial arts to be able to fight...those who say otherwise..hey THE NILE is a river in eygpt...but in doing so we place ourselfs in a position to be prosecuted for using such knowledge..you gotta be careful..and to just say..im gonna kick anybodys ass that messes with me is puttting oneself in a world of legal turmoil..its sounds cool to say hey i got skills i dare anyone to attack me..but in the eyes of the law its not that cut and dry..speaking from personal experience...i had a dream last night that i was back in jail for hitting someone that was so real i woke up shaking..i was so glad when i realized it was just a bad dream!!! this is what is meant by people saying sometimes its better to swallow your pride and walk away!!! and closing this is not my humble attitude or opinion but the truth!!




Javier l Rosario


bayshore new york


instructor taekwondo/hapkido


"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your ass"


[ This Message was edited by: taezee on 2001-11-15 21:09 ]

Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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Ouch man, the truth sucks!


I'm lucky too that i live in the country, cos they don't care so much about brawls as long as nobody gets killed or seriously maimed. Ah well, if the good old ego gets me into trouble then i'll have to cop the consequences, but i trust myself to not go overboard unless it's warranted.


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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