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Black belt ranking time requirements


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Question: In your style what is the minumum time reqiurement (total amount of time spent in the art) and age for the following ranks:










Thank-you for your time.


-Paul Holsinger

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two years bare minimum for shodan. Dan grades are at the instructor's disgretion, but I'd wager no less than two years for nidan, three for sandan, etc
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It takes an average of 5 years to reach first dan. Most adults make it in a little under 4, I think. Kids take longer. Roughly 4 to 5 years.


1st dan to 2nd is 2 years. 2nd to 3rd is 3. 3rd to 4th is 4, ect. But there is a few people in my school that haven't tested in years. One 1st dan has been there for 6 years. We have a couple of 2nd dans that have been at that rank for 3 years.


There is an age requirement for all dan grades. Not sure what they are except for 1st (16).

Laurie F

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Shodan- minimum three years training, 5-7 is the average.


Nidan-at least two years after shodan, five is again the average.


Sandan- at least four years after nidan, 7-8 is about normal.

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it takes an average of 5 yrs to get black belt status in my art.....after that...well it seems to take awhile to move up in dans....quite awhile, we average a testing only once or twice a year....so if youre not ready, well maybe next year or the one after that, but my style combines several styles into one so we have lots of techniques that we have....one of the top black belt students in the class, which we dont have many of really....has been there for about 20 yrs and is a 2nd dan i think....maybe just first...we also go black belt then test to get first dan....the assistant instructor is now 3rd or 4th and the head instructor is a 6th now, and these guys have been doing it for over 40 yrs....i have been there and training all over the world for 20 yrs or so and i am still not a master or anywhere close in this style...even though i have seen master in several other styles over the years...my main style has me just at black belt status now....how sad, but it is also humbling, it isn't a mcdojo either,,,,we rarely pay and when we do its only 20 a month or less for some of the older belts,(we pay the same price as when we started) and we train everyday,....we also get tournaments paid for if we choose to perform in those....and demos and such, lots of fun things, so no large money making there....it just takes alot of time to move up ....i like it though....so i see that i am rambling so i'll shut up.....thanks for listening to me

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Pretty much the same as karatekid1975 really :) :


Up to 1st dan = minimum 3 years


1st-2nd dan = minimum 2 more years


2nd-3rd dan = minimum 3 more years


(and so on up to 9th-10th dan being a minimum of 10 more years!! :o )


3rd dan is the last recognised real grading, higher dans are usually awarded for services to karate etc (sounds fairly common from what i've read).


Ages are pretty straightforward (and follow from the minimums above):


1st dan - minimum 16y/o


2nd dan - minimum 18 y/o


3rd dan - minimum 21 y/o


Kids are given black belt status when earned but are "Cadet" Dans, they can achieve up to 2nd dan (from what i've seen, but it could include 3rd dan) but they are required to remain training at that grade until they turn the relevant age (from above) before they can start working towards their next grade.



Andy Wilkinson (Sandan)

Renketsu Karate Club Senior Instructor


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two years bare minimum for shodan. Dan grades are at the instructor's disgretion, but I'd wager no less than two years for nidan, three for sandan, etc


The same here. I've never seen anybody get shodan in this system in two years though. I got mine in 2 1/2 years, then 9 years to Nidan (disadvantage of living where I do), then 3 to


Sandan, where I've been sinbce 1990. Obviously, I'm not in this art for the rank! lol

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I don't know of anyone who has ever actually achieved shodan in under three years in my organization. Most people camp out at third - first kyu level for around a year before they go for their shodan.


BTW: You must be at least seventeen years of age to be eligible for your shodan exam.

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Time frame should not matter, however it takes at least 4-5 years on average. to get shodan, 2 nidan, 3 to sandan.


The age for an ADULT Black Belt is 16, there is a junior Black belt kids get then when they are fourteen they join the adult class and start at white belt level. The belt is black with a stripe down the center. They work thier way through the ranks again this time it is easier they know the Kata. The bunkai and the application of the art is learned.

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takes about 5-6 years to get shodan, then add two years on more nidan and about 2 and ahlf to 3 after that for sandan..... to hold any blackbelt rank one must be at least 18 years of age....

Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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