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Starting Again

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If you could go back and live your life again, would you choose to do the same martial art(s) as you do now?




As for starting earlier, back in the early 70's (yeah, I'm an old fart) there weren'tmany martial arts schools to choose from where I live. We had a choice between TaeKwonDo and Hawaiian Kempo...period! Both of the instructors of those schools often went out to the bars looking for fights. The Kempo instructor (I saw this happen several times in fact) would walk out on the dance floor while the band was on break...drunker than a skunk..and yell "I'm a karate black belt and I can kick all your a$$'s!!!"


Well, a bouncer or two would pick him up and toss him into the street. Not what I wanted, nor was the TKD instructors much better.


My main regret was not being able to start at a younger age. I was just out of the Army in January of '75 and found a friend of mine had just started taking Shorinryu classes. I liked the sensei immediately, and the system. I'll also always regret I never had the opportunity to go to Okinawa to train. *sigh* :bawling:

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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I'll also always regret I never had the opportunity to go to Okinawa to train. *sigh*

My brother in law, who put in 22 years in USAF had the chance to train under Nakazato Shuguro for six years on Okinawa (He just kept extending! :) ). If I were smart, I would have gone USAF, but I was pissed at them for eliminating my AFROTC scholarship in the late 1980s (the Bush I "Peace Dividend") and went into the Army afer college to pay off studetnloans. Oh, well.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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I'm not sure that I would change anything. I might not have had the same results and may not have had the same abiding respect for the martial arts that I have now.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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The Kempo instructor (I saw this happen several times in fact) would walk out on the dance floor while the band was on break...drunker than a skunk..and yell "I'm a karate black belt and I can kick all your a$$'s!!!"


Do you recall the Kempo instructor's name? Just curious. You can PM me if you like.




Mind of Mencia

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