Natural Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 How many average citizen (same height, age, etc) can you defend against hand to hand attackers, am a 7th kyu I can defend myself against one person as me, I can deliverd a davastaing blows nose bleeds etc. If it really happens they probabely going to punch me head lock so I'll grab their neck and use my kness on their face rapidly to get out and do a judo throw and a hard knukels fully extend punch to the face and nose after that I'll land a death kick with a muay thai elbow strike, if I'had enough space, Am a senior at my school a big bully did a kick so i'd show him a proper one to the neck, he was about to felt I'll grab his head swinging him across rooms to rooms doors to walls while doing a knee strike, got excluded becuse he use to bully me 3 years ago. A karate punch it is like a dasvasted stick blow. Instead, a blow of Kung Was is comparable to a lash with a chain that has attacked, allaltra extremity one ball of ferro
aefibird Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Natural said: How many average citizen (same height, age, etc) can you defend against hand to hand attackers, I don't know how many 'average citizens' I can defend myself against. Thankfully, I've never been in a position where I've had to ever use self defence (well, not since I stopped getting into 'fights' at school ). I would hope that my years of dojo training would help if I ever needed to use Martial Arts in a real street situation. I can hold my own pretty well against the big guys at my dojo (I'm only 5'2"), so that's gotta count for something, but really, you only find out how good your self defence skills are when you have to use them for real and by that point it is too late to make them any better :-/ "Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My CologneSheffield Steelers!
Tal Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Natural said: How many average citizen (same height, age, etc) can you defend against hand to hand attackers, I think I could take two or three untrained and inexperienced people of my own strength and build. I was once in a fight with a friend, against two other guys about the same size as me. My friend got beat down pretty quickly, so I effectively had to fight both of them by myself. I got a broken nose, but they left me alone eventually. I've also been in the unfortunate situation of having four people attacking me while I was on my own. They were about the same size of me, and they kicked my * in no time. So, I'd say 2 to 3 'average' people is about all I can handle. The thing is, most people who pick fights aren't average people; they usually have some or a lot of street fighting experience. Even 3 'average' people, I think, would be pushing it. If you're being attacked from front and back simultaneously, its very difficult to defend yourself. Its not like in the movies when the baddies attack the hero one at a time. Quote I can deliverd a davastaing blows nose bleeds etc. Oh man! A nose bleed....truly devastating... Quote If it really happens they probabely going to punch me head lock so I'll grab their neck and use my kness on their face rapidly to get out If they put a half-decent head lock on you, you won't be able to knee them in the face unless you're very strong. Quote after that I'll land a death kick Death kick? Can you do fireballs as well? shotokan karate nidanjujitsu shodankendo shodan
equaninimus Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 I'm quite sure I can talk my way out of most confrontations. Does that count? There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!
tommarker Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Natural, I'm not trying to sound mean, but you either need: 1. To read more. 2. Have someone really kick the crap out of you and bring you down a notch. You sound scrappy and as if you have a lot of strong emotion that helps you in your training. I like enthusiasm, and you sound a lot like I probably did at your rank. But your world view is, at best, immature. Normal for high school, perhaps, but approaching every confrontation (real or imagined) in your sense will result in someone one day handing you the beating of your lifetime. After resetting your nose, spitting out a few teeth and some blood, you may realize that are more socially acceptable routes to vent your aggression. Like hurling or rugby Trust me. I'm no longer posting here. Adios.
equaninimus Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Some of us consider rugby relaxing! There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!
Guest Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 I would like to respond, but I honestly couldn't make any sense out of the question ... so maybe we're unjustly ripping him a new one because we don't understand what he said? Natural: could you rephrase the question?
Shorinryu Sensei Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Like most of you I'm sure, I've noticed that all of Naturals posts are written the same way. I'd guess either English isn't his native language, or more likely, he's quite young and hasn't learned proper sentence structure and spelling yet. Can you tell I'm an ex-teacher? I was tempted to try to correct all of the mistakes and give him a "D"...but refrained. Oh regards to the thread subject, I've successfully defended myself against 3 attackers in a real fight. It wasn't as tough as you'd think because of how they came at me. It could have turned out totally opposite if they had their s**t together. My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"
ESA-Shotokan Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 "If you can read this - THANK A TEACHER! If you're reading it in English - THANK A SOLDIER!" I like that, Shorinryu Sensei As for beating up groups of people - can't say I am daft enough to get involved in such a situation to often. Whenever the matter has arisen, it is normally sufficient to hurt a couple to be rid of the gang. Best defence is always to make a run for it
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