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thoughts on Breaking objects?


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Do you Practice breaking ?




Do you agree that it is apart of martial arts?


What type of objects are used to break in your style?


What style do you do?


Do you like or dislike this part of Martial arts?


Is it Benificial?


Dont be Bias in styles for we are all Practitioners of Martial Arts!

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Do you Practice breaking ?


I have done in the past. If i start training in Shotokan seriously again, I will practice breaking.

Do you agree that it is apart of martial arts?


A part of some MAs, yes. It is little use, for example, a BJJ practitioner, but it can be very helpful to a karateka.

What type of objects are used to break in your style?


I used to break wooden boards, breeze blocks, doors, anything really.

What style do you do?


I've only ever done breaking in Shotokan.

Do you like or dislike this part of Martial arts?


I like it. I love smashing things up. Its also good training for me.

Is it Benificial?


For me, yes. Some people don't find it beneficial. Breaking considerable increased my striking power.

shotokan karate nidan

jujitsu shodan

kendo shodan

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Do you Practice breaking ? yes i do


Do you agree that it is apart of martial arts? i believe that it is a nice part that every true martial artist should be aware of, not necessarily to practice all the time but to understanding the power that one can generate and the mind set involved, i think that is the important part that is beneficial to the higher understanding of the martial arts


What type of objects are used to break in your style? did the wood thing, coconuts (closest thing to a human skull) , ice, and concrete, concrete is my favorite....


What style do you do? I have studied many styles...


Do you like or dislike this part of Martial arts? I like it very much..


Is it Benificial? I believe that the mind set during breaking is important....

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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Do you Practice breaking ?


I break little woods at home wall, anything really


Do you agree that it is apart of martial arts?


I do agree


What type of objects are used to break in your style?


Am a 7th kyu so i don't know much


What style do you do?


I don't want to tell ya


Do you like or dislike this part of Martial arts?


I do love it


Is it Benificial?


Well, speaking yes!

A karate punch it is like a dasvasted stick blow. Instead, a blow of Kung Was is comparable to a lash with a chain that has attacked, allaltra extremity one ball of ferro

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Do you Practice breaking ? Nope..never have, never will.




Do you agree that it is apart of martial arts? For some systems it is a important part, for others, no. Personally, I feel it proves nothing and instills a false sense of power and confidence to students.


What type of objects are used to break in your style? Just opponents bones :D


What style do you do? See my profile to the left.


Do you like or dislike this part of Martial arts? Dislike! See my reasoning in the 2nd question.


Is it Benificial? Again, see my answer to the second question. [/b]

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I'm middle of the road on this subject.


Breaking has its pros and cons.


In terms of publicity and demos, breaking is excellent. I'm in favor of a little showmanship once in awhile. I also think it helps a person visualize what they are capable of, but after a certain point, there are diminishing returns.


For example, I've seen plenty of very strong people who could pound through several concrete blocks with very little effort and no training. My father is one of those guys who is just really strong, has worked hard all of his life, and can just shut off pain to do what he needs to do. For him, training for breaking would be useless.


I can take someone off the street and have them break a single 1" thick pine board with a hammerfist after about 30 seconds of instruction. It's more a mental hurdle than anything else. Most people can break one board with brute force. 2-3 might take a little technique refinement, especially if we change the technique. It still comes down to focus and mental confidence.


Women, and smaller individuals, I think can stand to get more out of breaking, even if they are not naturally gifted.


Where breaking becomes dangerous is children using their hands to break, overeager students choosing breaks beyond their ability, and poor choices of materials (concrete versus brick versus cement, etc) Also, "boards don't hit back" and all that fun stuff.


Can you get the same physical benefits from heavy bags and hand targets? Sure you can. But I think there is a certain psychological appeal to breaking the occasional board that appeals to a lot of people.


I'm not sure if I like breaking. I tend to either be able to demolish everything i try to break, or go for very long streaks of time not being able to make ANY breaks. Part of this is choosing difficult breaks, using bad wood, but a great part is psychological.. imho.

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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I do shotokan karate and I used to practice breaking, many years ago, but then I discovered that an empi can more or less break anything, so I stopped there.


My logic was to discover how to break a piece of wood and I found a technique which did it hence, end of journey. I know I could have continued on and developed punching, kicking, nukite, etc. breaking techniques but the empi does the trick.



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Ditto to Shorin Ryu Sensei's answer. I will also go another step further and say that I have never seen a breaking demo that didn't have some sort of gimmick to it. Try breaking 3 1" pine boards against the grain. I'll be impressed with breaking and breaking demos when I can pick the materials for the practitioners to break. I'm not saying all breaking is * ... just all of the breaking that I've ever seen up close, and I've seen some wild demos. *L*

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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