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Non white uniforms

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well like i said i'm not a traditional taekwondoist, you must have me confused with someone else, i am from the school of "dont care what we wear taekwondo" yep, thats my school and for today we call our uniform a gi, tomorrow it may be a dobok or the next day it may be a toga, not sure yet, brand new style.....but i think i will definitely invest in tae bo videos and then all my students will be true masters of all forms of martial arts.....(no offense to Billy Banks)

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yeah, we haven't been taught grammar yet, we just try to make some catchy rhymes so that we can have a great slogan that sticks in people's minds so that we can take all their money and own the world's greatest McDojo, or McDojang or McSchool of Non-Traditional Tae Kwon Do

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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I was thinking of making my students pay huge sums of money so that i can get a reflective rainbow uniform that sheds lights in all the beautiful colors of the spectrum all over the walls of the Mcschool of non traditional tkd.....just a thought but man would it be colorful.....

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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I would ask your all to keep you comments directed toward the subject of the thread, and not continue the personal jabs at one another.


Otherwise, I will have to close this thread.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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I am a little upset that my post was deleted. I didn't use any language that wasn't already in the thread ( and is still in the thread). I hope my post wasn't deleted for personal reasons.


At the risk of upsetting people, here it is again


"I personaly feel all underbelts should wear white. I do not discriminate against schools that wear other colors. Solid color unforms do not strike me as a red flag, or an indicator that the school is bad. I do find that schools that wear "demo" uniforms (mulitcolored freak outfits) tend to be all flash, not solid foundation. While demo uniforms have their place, I do not feel it' sin the training hall. I would like to add the the only TKD near me that has bad students (both in skill and attitude) has students in white. This is a good lead in for my next point. The school I just mentions has a very skilled " Grand Master" ( I put that in qoutes because I have heard of many Koreans getting off the plane as GMs). I have seen this guy work, he is really great. His students suck and have nasty arrogant atitudes. A guy can be a great Martial artist and a bad person, or a bad teacher.


To bashing "media whores" It's ok to Bash Media whores. Just respect thier ablities. One can argue Bruce Lee was a media *. I will still look up to him. I don't Doubt Gen. Chois ablities, while I can be critical of his cliams and his choices in life, I have no doubt he was a great Martial Artist.


Jean claud Van dam, He's a media *. And from what many people who have met him, he's not a very nice guy. He also got beat up in a strip club but a former body guard. The guy I mentioned above is a great TKD guy...he appears to be a bad teacher.


Jhoon Rhee...not a media *. He marketed TKD, not Himself. "


Please if you're going to delete this at least tell me the exact words that are offensive so I can post better in the future Thanks.

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I don't know why your post was deleted Akima? :-? I thought you raised some good points!


Maybe it was the excessive use of the asteriks ***!!!!


You don't wanna upset the mods!! Speaking of which, i'd better make a topical comment...


How can you bastardize TKD when TKD is a bastardization of Shotokan Karate?


as for the arguement that the colour of the suit reflects the person...


I came from a very traditional TKD club, before going to university and training at a really relaxed club. I can see both sides of the coin.


When i go back home to my original club I wear a white suit because it's the 'done thing' there. That is what the instructor asks and what everyone else wears. Admittedly it's a nice polycotton mix which isn't that traditional (neither are the colour belts people wear) but hey, it's the norm!


When at my uni club I wear a coloured suit because thats the norm there (people come and train with us from all over the world, you won't see 2 suits the same!!). We still do exactly the same taekwondo! The tenents are there, the respect is there, the TKD history is there!





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Not to beat a dead horse here, but if the Tae Kwon Do is exactly the same, then why a colored uniform? Just because everyone else wears one? I still wonder why Instructors like Cho and Rhee feel the need to wear one. What do they hope to accomplish? Do they think wearing a colored uniform will somehow make them better?


Wearing fancy colored uniforms, granted, does not make you a bad person. Although I find the red-white-blue uniforms REALLY tacky. However, I truly think that students who wear colored uniforms do so because they want to be noticed. One of the reasons why traditional Tae Kwon Do utilizes white uniforms is because when students are all wearing white, except for their belt ranks, they are all equal. Only level of technique and years of experience set them apart. Again, it goes back to lack of ego and humility.

My opinion-Welcome to it.

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