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What is better for absolutly beginner

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Hello everybody,


I'm 23 and I want to start with MA. I have options betwean Aikido and JuJutsu. What do you sugest? What is difference? Thank you!

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With no experience you have an advantage in that you can be sucessful in any art provided they start you at the ground level and build upon strong foundations and basics


Sometimes when people cross train there is a need to unlearn some things.


So I'd suggest checking them both out and see which you like.


Akido is a Japanese art that deals with using your opponents enemy against them


JuJitsu is more grappling, throwing, locking


I don't study either so thats all I can tell you.

KarateForums.com Sempai
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I would ask you what you want to join martial arts to accomplish, or is it just for fun? Aikido is a more esoteric art and involves, as stl said, using your opponents energy to throw them . There are several schools of Aikido and differing philosophies to go with all. Jiu Jutsu utilizes joint locks, bone breaks and throws and is more self-defense oriented. Again, this depends on the Jiu Jutsu style. As a general rule of thumb, Aikido takes longer to become proficient at than Jiu Jutsu. Like stl said, check them out and see which one you like best.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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I don't want to make light of Aikido or Aikidoists. It is a very technical art and can be very effective for self-defense after sufficient practice. It is also very beautiful to watch when performed at a high skill level.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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Thanks everybody for coments. I think that aikido is very beautiful art but I like also something more comptetive (there isn't competitions in aikido, is it?). But I think that I'm to old fore something like is JuJitsu or Judo.
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We have a guy that started judo at 39. Alot of the instructors are in their late sixties.


Dependant on the jujutsu that you are studying there might be quite a bit of overlap with aikido in terms of techniques. This is also true with judo as both creators of aikido and judo were students of various forms of jujutsu.

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I have yet to encounter a judo club that will not let you learn judo because you can't compete. It was kano's intention that judo be for everyone. Competition is not all that judo is.


Tomiki aikido is an interesting annomaly. Tomiki was a student of kano (founder of judo) and a very proficient judoka. He was taken on by ueshiba at kano's urging and went on to learn what is now known as aikido. He took the principals of randori and competition of judo and applied it to his knowledge in aikido. This allowed aikido techniques to be practiced full force repeatedly.

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