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Beaten by woman

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Delta1, the danger to a man still exists. The motive of the criminal may be different but men need to know how to defend themselves just as much.


I heard a story from a guy that used to be a rail bumb. He told me about a time where a woman and her husband/boyfriend had been hopping the rail system and landed in LA or something like that. A few black men cornered them there, attacked the man and held him in between two cars that were hooking together (you can imagine the result) and then raped the woman. THIS is awefull and evil. It highlights the point of; If you live a certain way you can expect a certain enviroment and a certain result. You go to shady spots you will meet shady people.


Here locally a few years back there was a man and woman in Nampa who left their front door onlocked. A perp entered the house and jumped the people in their sleep. He tied the man in bed while the perp proceeded to rape the man's wife right in front of him. A little caution and knowing self defense may have helped here?

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Beka, there are situations that yeah I think "what on earth was she doing there dressed like that?!". But most of my time my reaction goes something like this "GRRRRRR, that scumbucket. I need help women how to protect themselves!!"


I rarely blame the woman, she by all rights should freaken feel free to jog down a park path if she feels like it! Unfortunately we live in a world with evil men it and she can't. It is not her fault, the blame rests fully on the perp. The woman should always assume the possibility of danger and take precautions.


It would be *nice* if this were the case, that blame rested solely on the perp, but those who are taken as victim are more often than not treated with some sort of suspicion. I should be able to stand on the street corner on the darkest night in the scuzziest neighborhood I can find absolutely stark naked. But I can't.


It should not be my responsibility to prevent my own rape. We both know I'm working on that part. I learn self defense techniques, I keep myself in shape, ready to fight if I absolutely must, and I will kill someone if they try to rape me (and I won't think twice about it). Still, if I'm coming home from the library at 2am and I get held at gunpoint, or I am taken by surprise or he gets the upper hand (as this thread points out, women are generally smaller, and while we can win, it isn't likely with a larger male attacker--especially if there are no rules like in some sparring), then someone will still find a way to assume that I had some complacency in it.


It is not the job of women to eradicate rape from society. As the world is now (and will be for a lot longer given rampant sexism), I need to do what I can to prevent bad things from happening to my body. However, and this is a big however, I should not have to know how to break someone's knee before I can feel safe.


It's a sad state of affairs, and something a man will never have to deal with. Be glad. Cause it bites.

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I am thankfull that I am a man... that is for sure. I can imagine that it does "bite". I am pretty invigorated to help women and children combat preditors. Men have always been the same since the beginning of their creation...well since the fall of man anyway. If they see something weaker than themselves and they have no morals or they do not fear God then they will victimize that weaker thing.




Combine lust with the absense of morality and even some hatred and a man becomes a criminal.


No a woman should not need to know how to break a knee or shove a nose into someoness head before she should feel safe. Don't forget in the same hand that there are men/friends/brothers/strangers who would give their life on your behalf to protect a woman or child if they could. I hate it as much as you do. Relish in your friends and allies while you have them. Awefull things happen to good men too. The world is not safe.

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first of all, what library is open at 2am? they close at about 9 over here, and that's when they're open late! :o


second, who says men aren't raped or abused? it happens fairly frequently actually, and in some cases it ends up being worse because of a) the shame that comes with gender roles and b) the lack of support groups and attention said matters get. hell, i only know of the instances because my mother's a social worker and my father's the police commisioner. it's like the abused citizens in iraq: remember, it was men and women of all types abusing the iraqis, just as it was men and women being abused.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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Yo, People!


A study conducted by James LaFond has some hazy statistics on street violence. According to the study, 75% of women with martial arts training were able to defend themselves. Seems to tell me something...

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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Haha, it's funny though!


And yeah, Beka, I know what you mean - to be completely honest, if I were raped I would have no interest in being dragged through courts and forced to listen while the disgusting... person... stood and told everybody I'm a lying sl*t. I'd be more inclined to try and make sure there was one less incurable b*stard in the world. But then, I feel quite strongly there.


But what I meant was yeah, women have to deal with that crap in the public eye (unfortunately a lot of that is due to the horrific number of women who LIE about it - my friend does criminology and I was disgusted by the statistics), but at least their friends and family will generally be supportive. If you're a man, no one wants to acknowledge what happened to you, there aren't the millions of support groups, you're encouraged to "cope", deal with it, not make people uncomfortable. The same kind of thing as women put up with but more extreme for many reason, not least that since most men would be raped by a man, both themselves and friends/family are quite possibly also have to deal with misplaced homophobia.


Mm, depressing

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The responses are starting to get a bit off topic, and in doing so getting too political. Please bring it back to the original question, and if need be begin a seperate topic in the Politics in MA forum.


Thanks. :)

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Ok... here we go back to the original topic...


This is a little embarrasing but if you had seen my opponent you'd understand more!


A week before my 2nd dan grading during a line up (one person defending a line of people attacking in succession) I ended up punching her in the eye - she moved forward and didnt block which made my normal control useless... end result a black eye and me feeling guilty.


Next week, my grading and my 3rd opponent was the same girl... with a vendetta... and went in with a little less control and reserve than I have seen on anyone... there was a bl**dy great thud leaving me with a permanently (slightly) crooked nose! :kaioken: :o :(


NEVER underestimate a woman - especially one who is an International Greek fighter (over here for a year) and hacked off at getting a black eye the week before!


I find that in our clubs... most of the women are really hard punchers and take no cr*p from anyone!


Oh and I learned that blocking is a great idea! :brow:



Andy Wilkinson (Sandan)

Renketsu Karate Club Senior Instructor


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lol, the story reminds me of one of my sensei's favourite sayings... "You should have blocked".


heh heh, never underestimate a woman with a grudge!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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I've been whopped by a girl and im not ashamed at all...shes dang good!!! Lauren Winston, maybe you've heard of her...and shes like 2 years younger than me!!!!

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