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What are the worst traits in a sparring partner you faced?

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she'll be shut down eventually

#1"The road to tae kwan leep is an endless road leading into the herizon, you must fully understand its ways". #2"but i wanna wax the walls with people now" #1"come ed gruberman, your first lesson is here.....boot to the head" #2"ouch, you kicked me in the head", #1"you learn quickly ed gruberman"

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There's this one guy at my dojo that, for some reason, must have a grudge against me. He's a belt below me, and I remember from the time that he was a no-belt that I greeted him and helped him out with his techniques on his first day.


I suppose I bruised his ego when I would correct him during techniques(not on his first day, of course, but later on), but I just wanted to help :/ all I would say is, "good job, but don't forget to lock in your elbow" or "try to keep your knees bent so you're more stable" ...I was simply giving pointers that were essentual to proper technique. I have no idea why he took this so personally. Oh well, I suppose I can understand not wanting to take advice from another student that's only a belt above him, but he would also push she Sensei's buttons, all the time. He would say things like, "well, I think my way is better". And, well, he wasn't exactly a natural talent when it came to fighting.


Oh well, so later on he would really start to get fresh with me, whenever I would do a technique (not even to him, but with another partner), he would make remarks such as, "well well well, aren't you the black belt" and whenever the sensei would compliment me or say "good job" or something, he would make this snorting sound. Man, he made me so angry.


So, one time during class when we were practicing techniques in a small group, he comes out of nowhere, swinging crappy roundhouse punches at me saying, "let's see you block these!" and, well.. all I had to do was put my hands up, and after blocking about 4 of his punches, I did a quick jab with my right hand to his solar plexus and he ceased. After that, I always made sure that I was just a little extra rough with him when we practiced techniques so that he would get my message. Now he avoids me like the pest, and the Sensei has kept a very close eye on him and watched his attitude.


Now, though, I believe he has a crush on this girl in our dojo, but she turns him down when he asks her if she wants to be partners, then walks over to where I am and asks me. And now he hates me even more. But what she's been doing is pretty mean. Oh well, I've tried to partner up with other people and tried to steer clear from this whole situation. I don't think this kind of pathetic drama belongs in a dojo.


Anyway, that wasn't exactly an example of an annoying sparring partner, he's not so annoying when I spar against him because he's really easy to beat. And no, I never rubbed this fact into his face.. I hate macho show-offs, that's why I got so mad when he called me a "black belt" like that.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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in the words of oscar wilde, "Always forgive your enemies-


nothing annoys them so much" :wink:

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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People like that bug the crap out of me. Why get a cocky attitude when your being helped? Like, there was this older guy started takin karate after me...stunk like no-ones business too...anyways he was a jerk who thought it knew it all and because he attended more classes than me and lessons he progressed faster and thought he was the *. And back when I tested for green he was there for the test already green and he kept making little stupid comments about my form or foot work. Then he said after the test, "I wouldnt have passed you". But later I was informed that I did better on my test than him. And now he doesnt go there anymore so thats all good. And im left thinking, I was about half his age, why is he messin with me. I was about ready to give up respect and my self-dignity for 2 minutes and kick the crap out of the cocky fool. :kaioken: :karate:

#1"The road to tae kwan leep is an endless road leading into the herizon, you must fully understand its ways". #2"but i wanna wax the walls with people now" #1"come ed gruberman, your first lesson is here.....boot to the head" #2"ouch, you kicked me in the head", #1"you learn quickly ed gruberman"

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Hi, my name is Mike and I'm an annoying kumite partner.


My punching control is pretty good, I don't hit people unless I want to 99% of the time.


My kicks don't do more than tickle unless I want them to.


I like to hear criticism about my techniques, if you are prepared to give it, otherwise be quiet while I hit you, its all the same to me.


I will offer the benefit of my advice a second time if you receive the first lot well and say thanks.


I will bruise your freaking arms every time you try to hit me because my blocks are intended to stop you from hitting me, not to balance one golfball on top of another.


My Sensei likes to come round during blocks and aim a blow for you to deflect. He uses his left hand to strike me with so as not to damage his right.


I do not know why I can control my punching, balance, kicking, stances and all other techniques, yet have so little ability to block gently.


My pet hate? Kids. Too small to hit properly, arms too close together to get your fist between, boundless energy and always the right size for a groin punch. And then when they start with the "I caaaaaaaaan't do it" stuff ...


Other than that, I love kumite. Pass me another Black Belt, I love sparring above my grade, having someone landing strikes on you sure teaches you where you are going wrong with your defence, and if you land a couple yourself, all the better.

Do not meddle in the affirs of geeks

for they are subtle and quick to anger

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