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What are the worst traits in a sparring partner you faced?

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Come on we've all had them, the partners from hell!!! :o


You know, the stinky guy, the whiner, the banger, the I can't kick above the belt guy......ect.


Tell us about your worst, after all misery loves company.. :P

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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Unfit people annoy me the most. We spar for like a minute and they're almost dead. There was this dude at my Shotokan club who was terribly unfit, and practically every minute he'd have to run off for a drink and half an hours rest.


Stinky people are also annoying if you're grappling. There was this guy at Ju-Jitsu who always used to eat a really hot curry before class, and his breath and everything stunk of it.


There was this other guy at Ju-Jitsu who had really stiff joints. I don't know what the hell he was doing in MA or how he managed to reach brown belt, but we'd grapple, and he'd tap out almost before I put a lock on. It was a complete waste of time training with him because he'd tap out at the slightest manipulation of his joints. He also sat around half the time doing nothing because of his bad joints.

shotokan karate nidan

jujitsu shodan

kendo shodan

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I haven't had too many sparring partners, three to be exact. My instructor, my brother (of course) and most recently a blue belt. The blue belt and i sort of have a history even though we don't talk to each other. Since I started tkd in june of last year he would randomly show up about once a month and try to lead the class and tell everyone what was wrong with what they where doing. Later I found out that he was telling the instructors daughter that my brother and i sucked and so on, and she was like "um they are white belts...." (yellow belt now) Anyways, I finally got to spar him last week, and I just tore him up. I blocked and countered every move he made, stopped his attacks with sidekicks that sent him stumbling, and in one instance sent his helmet flying off with a backfist that "accidentally" hit part of his face. When that happened and a lot of the younger kids started cheering, I could tell he was mad but i didnt think anything of it. During the whole class the instructor was telling the younger kids not to hit below the belt and so on, and since this guy is a couple belts higher than me, i didnt think he would try anything like that. Well as soon as he got his helmet on and we started again, he attacked with a round kick and when i blocked it, he used his other leg to aim a front kick directly where it hurts the most. The instructor treated it like an accident but i know he did it on purpose. I hit him at least 10 times while he only hit me with that illegal kick.....i dunno, i guess im the only one who hates sore losers. I have no respect for him or his rank, and i hope he shows up tomorrow to spar because he hasn't been to class all week. Maybe I'll ask him for tips on how to give him a better *-kicking.
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The dizzy guy. I've fought a few people who just run circles around you CONSTANTLY. They don't throw techniques, they just shuffle (flat-footed) in a circle around you. They never stop and they spin at the same speed. One such guy was a student of mine. Our dojo had a rule that if a student was below the rank of green belt, you couldn't touch him in sparring...just "shadow boxing" with that person, regardless of your own rank. So until this guy reached green belt, I couldn't even smack him with a roundhouse to stop his spinning progress. Just around and around and around and around.... :dead:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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The whiner. I had a fella that I would routinely be paired up with (luck of the draw?) who would constantly complain that I was hitting him too hard. "Dude, watch the ribs, dude...easy on the kicks man" you name it. I made it a habit to go full boar on him just to tick him off. Eventually he started asking for another partner, I guess he didn't want to bruise his precious skin.

Mixed Martial Artist

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i generally don't have a problem with sparring partners.


what i don't like, are training partners who are lazy.


those who can't talk and do drills at the same time.


those who find any excuse to not do the 'boring' things.


those who worm their way out of doing a good exercise to mess about with his mate who is also part of the class (not realising that there is a good reason we try to keep them to apart...)

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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I love bad sparring partners, because in sparring, I can take out my aggression on them :)


But training partners, dear Lord. There's a kid who has a sickening, sweet smell of honey and vinegar poored into a cartridge of out-dated milk, he also has unpredictable hits. I don't mind being hit, but I hate it when someone taps me in the leg, slaps me in the ribs, and then sends an iron fist, backed with kame kame ha energy, against my sternum.


I also have a whiner in my dojo. He is also a fruit cake... I'm sorry, I just CAN NOT STAND men that act worse than valley girls. "Like.. oh my gawd.. like.. there was this like.. really cool thing at school" *twirls hair* "geez, it was funny, but I can't remember now" *sways hips*


*giggles furiously* "I just hit my head, I didn't see the wall" "heeh heeh heeh". :kaioken:


And, last but not least, girls, that instead of practicing techniques with you, they just flirt, flirt, flirt and flirt. Ugh, I wish wasn't so bloody handsome, then I wouldn't have to put up with this. :brow: :wink:

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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