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Please, someone explain this feeling to me.

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I have been training for about three and a half years in shotokan karate, as well as some other styles here and there in that time. But there's this feeling that I have never felt in my life. It is exciting. It drives me to train constantly and hard. It gives me joy in life.


I have had this feeling only with one person while sparring.


Now, in my short time of training, I have sparred with many people. Some great, some beginners. Never at my skill level. No one who is at a balanced level with me. They were either beyond me, or below me.


This one person seemed the closest level with me.


When I was taking shitoryu as extra training, there was this one person in class who had experience in other percussive styles. When we sparred at first, I was scared. I was not used to heavy contact. But I eventually got used to it. That is when I noticed this feeling.


It was like a chessmatch! Every move was countered back and forth at high speed. There was no holding back (well, at least for me, as it did seem like they were holding back just a little) The strategy for the both of us changed direction on the stop of a dime. When sparring, it was like we were moving as one.


I have since left shitoryu, and so has this person. I must say, I hold my technique and quality of kata in higher regards than my kumite. But I do enjoy kumite quite well, actually, and I have never been able to duplicate this feeling with anyone else. Some people come close, but it's never been the same.


This person has changed the way I train. I constantly look forward to sparring with someone of equal skill, or the possibilty that we'll someday spar again. I want to become just as strong, if not stronger.


The feeling gives me warm chills when a think about it. It makes me think positivly about the future, as well as training.


Why do I feel like this? has anyone had a simmilar experience?


When cornered, kick 'em in the spetznats. If that doesn't work, run around acting like an epilept + flail your arms about while whizzin' in your pants, then fall down foaming at the mouth. They'll be so disgusted THEY will walk away from the fight....

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Am not sure if I had a similar experinced I'd trained at home 13 hours a week, at the dojo about 3 hours a week, now am aiming to get bronze on tournament, katas and kumite.

A karate punch it is like a dasvasted stick blow. Instead, a blow of Kung Was is comparable to a lash with a chain that has attacked, allaltra extremity one ball of ferro

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Its great to find a partner that you just "click" with. I had a couple of guys I trained with that just pushed me harder and made me better and it was the same for them. My 2 friends have left us over the last couple of years for famoly and work obligations. I still miss the good natured competitiveness we used to have. I just try to provide that same attitude and effort to whomever Im training with.


There is nothing worse than training with a partner that constantly gives no effort what so ever........ :-?


If Im paired up with one of the lazy ones I make a point of attacking them


hard enough to keep them awake...... :brow: :brow: :brow:

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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I think the feeling you are experiencing could be the feeling of accomplishment. You finally found someone that you really feel comfortable with and whose skill level is equal to yours. Maybe when you sparred against a lesser opponent you would find yourself wondering why they didn't block that strike (you would have after all) and when against someone with greater skill you may have doubted your ability when you asked yourself why you didn't block that strike. You said it yourself, it's like a chessmatch. You and this other fellow had a bond and understanding with each other that is hard to come by. Feel fortunate that you guys had the chance to experience it. :karate:

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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I know the feeling. There are many training partners in my MA history who I've got on really well with and learnt loads from. You just need to be careful not to get too used to one person. You learn a lot from training with different people, and I try to train with as many as possible. Its good to train with people of lesser, equal and greater skill than you, as well as with people of lesser, equal and greater stature than you.

shotokan karate nidan

jujitsu shodan

kendo shodan

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WOW! Connecting with a partner. That's something like real CHI. I think that's we're are all trying to find. Cherish the memories and hope for someone else like them.
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I love sparring without frustration of either of being slapped around or getting bored. it gives you a chance to really work your combo's.

"If you don't want to get hit while sparring , join the cardio class"

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