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how often dose your dojo make you practise katas for us its 2-3 times a kata and we do 2-3 katas difrent katas a night?


also how many katas do you need to now to get your 6kyu?

we do not fear death,

for we are death inccarenated!

may the inner fire never die for it is that can help you ceep going

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Basically, we test one kata per belt, but there are a few extra non-test kata's recently introduced into our system. I've found those new kata to be excellent and well worth the time to practice.


My students practice all katas at every class and are expected to practice on there own at home. Depending on who is in the class that evening (small classes), we will run through each kata 1-5 times.

Edited by Shorinryu Sensei

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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At my old Shotokan dojo, the lower grades would do every kata they knew about 3 times each every lesson. The near black belt grades would do about 3 kata about 3 times each lesson. For the black belts it would vary a lot. I used to just do one kata each day and do it about 10 times.


To answer your second question; it depends on your style of Karate. Ask your Sensei.

shotokan karate nidan

jujitsu shodan

kendo shodan

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Not enough in my opinion (at my dojang). I teach kids classes, so I get to do them more. But in my actual training class, we don't do them much :( So I practice forms when I get a break in between teaching and my actual training class (45 minute break). And, of course, I practice them when I can at home.


My TSD dojang we did forms twice a week or more. The whole class would do all the forms up to their rank, then go in the back and practice their forms till the rest were done. We would do forms 2 to 3 times each, plus what we did when we had to back off.


Plus additional training at home.

Laurie F

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We are taught 3 katas per belt level and we have belts that go yellow, yellow/black, orange, orange/black etc


I am mid way through earning my Purple Belt now and will have learned about 14 katas. Some of these are not so much Katas but techniques put in the form of a Kata. Like Kihon Gerry, which demonstrates 4 different kicks with each leg.

43 Years old

Blue Belt (7th Kyu) Shorin-ryu

Roberts Karate

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We do kata a lot. When I teach Id say we work and hr at least on our kata and prob get anywhere from 12 to 20 reps on it. When I traing under my new teacher in our advanced class we do all 29 katas one time each.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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We do kata almost every night.


In my school, you can only gain a belt at a Shiai, and they're held once every 6 months. I'm still a white belt, and I'm starting my 5th kata.


I've done (I apologize for the spelling):


Empi Kata


Taikyoko Shodan


Taikyoko Nidan


Taikyoko Sandan

"A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives."

-- Jackie Robinson

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

-- Edmund Burke

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We train in kata usually every lesson. Each kata usually is repeated between 5 and 10 times, although the number of kata that we do varies with each lesson. If we're learning a new kata then we keep going through it until the order of the techniques are learned by heart. Last week the black belts and 1st kyu grades learned Chinte and we spent about 3/4 of the lesson just repeating that kata.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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