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Dancing and Martial Arts

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I have a friend who has the exact opposite of your problem...


She had trained in classical ballet, as well as jazz dance and tap for about 15 years until too much school work forced her to quit. A year or so ago she joined my Shotokan dojo and has real trouble in making the moves look like fighting movements, rather than just ballet excercies. Maybe you two could get together and trade tips?? lol


Not a bad idea :lol:


Maybe you try a Chinese style to help you relax a bit more into your dance moves, instead of it being like a 'fight to music'. I'd suggest doing some relaxation excercies beforehand to try and get you in the right frame of mind for dancing, as well as lots of stretching to get you relaxed and almost 'floppy'.


We do stretch, but to upbeat music...maybe I'll suggest something more relaxing


Just keep persevering with it and I'm sure you'll get it! Just think how long it took you to learn to do correct martial arts techniques - it's the same with dance. You'll not get it overnight but lots of practice will help you to 'get it' sooner.




Good luck with the dancing.



KarateForums.com Sempai
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Since I started Karate i've felt alot more fluent in my movements, it effects lots of things throughout life including dancing. Oh, i was playin twister not long ago, I cained em all, oh yes :D !

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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