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How long do u guys hold Shikodachi


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Just wondering...typically how long does your sensei make you hold the stance...(back straight...legs parallel or nearly parallel to the ground etc...). On a regulary basis...And also what do you max out at. We usually hold a really good one...maybe 45 seconds in the middle of a kata(while breaking it down///going slowly training hard) And I haven't done it in a while but I think I max at a little over 2 minutes...


EDIT--- whoops..Got shiko and kiba confused..kiba is horse stance.. Feet straight, shiko feet diagnal.

Edited by Kumite988
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Yes it can get painful after a couple of minutes but you just have to relax into the stance. It may seem hard to believe but I fidn the deeper you are the better, rather than the opposite.


If it is a drill exercise where you are also practicing a basic punch, then I tend to be able to hold the stance for a very long time.



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One way to build quad strength, and thus improve your ability to stay in kiba or shikko dachi, is to start out by dropping into the stance during TV commercials. The average commercial in the US is 30 seconds, and most full breaks last three minutes. Work your way up from one commercial, to a full break. Then, when you can comfortably hold the stance for the full commercial break, try to work up to holding it for the full period between breraks (usually 17 minutes). Hope this helps.

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Rarely do they make us hold it for longer than 30 seconds but sometimes they get on a proper stance kick and make us hold it for a long time and keep going back to this in more classes.


I think it is good for quad strength, but am not an expert on this stuff.

43 Years old

Blue Belt (7th Kyu) Shorin-ryu

Roberts Karate

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You mean Sumo stance sheiko dachi is sumo stance. Kiba dachi is horse anyway, I get students preparing for black belt to hold for 15 minutes whie holding weights and stepping forward, they try and last for 15 minutes, quite exhausting !

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My karate sensei is quite strict on stances and tends to try and make us hold them for for what seems like hours, but in reality is a couple of minutes. We also occasionally have a 'kibadatchi competition' with the seniors (adults) standing in kibadatchi with a junior student on their shoulders. The winner is the person who can last out the longest. As we usually have this competition as a bit of end of class fun we're all usually too tired to keep the stance up for very long, especially if you end up with one of the heavier juniors!!


One good way to practice kibadatchi or shikodatchi (sp?) is to stand in it whilst brushing your teeth. The longer that you can hold it for, the cleaner your teeth will be! lol :D

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The longest I've ever tried to hold it is 12 and a half minutes...Talk about switching into earthquake mode once you pass the 5 minute mark lol

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Damn! My dojo makes everybody (on certain days) hold it for at least 15 minutes, while we practice walking (and punching, kicking, or both) out of kiba dachi up and down the dojo floor.


We do crossover stepping, shuffle stepping, and pivot stepping out of this stance.

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My TSD dojang used to do that. Not for 15 minutes, but long enough to make your legs hurt so bad that you couldn't stand, all for bad technique (other than 50 to 100 knuckle push-ups). For anyone above 5th gup/kyu, that is. By then, my instructor said that they should have a grip on some kind of technique quality. The black belts used to stand in horse stance with weights and/or a person on their back/shoulders.

Laurie F

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whats the big deal about horse riding stance its not that hard to hold why are you all complaning adout it!

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